Only one of these shits in the streets

66  2018-07-11 by unclepaul84


Leave the dog out of this, will ya.

It’s not the dog, he shits in the grass. Even he’s smarter than that putrid life form on the right.

Please explain. This sub is beyond confusing. Is this a hate sub? Or a fan sub? Definitely seems to be all about hate, which is much more entertaining.

The sub has passed you by.

I think the world has passed this sub by. But maybe.

When people are farming in the Global gulag, they'll pray they had partook on this sub.

This sub is filled with quite possibly the biggest plies of shit humanity has to offer.

I'm seeing that

lots of upvotes.. check conversation... not if he gets here quick enough to delete it. is that the play?

let's see if GreenYamo delets this anyway

I WONDER if he makes that facial expression when his date starts slurring and slumping on the table after finishing the drink he made her

Weird seeing you here. I just tagged you in a post.

I have an insatiable urge to punch both of those things.

Kumali has a thick neck and a chad jaw. If he cleaned up his unibtow and stopped being such a massive woke faggot he could be slaying pussy all day.

One them humps women's legs.

user reports:

1: Threatening, harassing, or inciting violence

~~~~~~~~~~~~ /u/deep_legal_shit

Here's an example. Sure, it's one of the generic reports, but you can probably guess the type of person who reported it.

LOL!!!!!!!! was it the one where i said i would like to beat up Sam Roberts?


No, it was a report on THIS thread. Hit the modqueue a few minutes ago. I figured it was a good example of what you were asking about. I didn't see that you thought I was going to take it down until after I posted this.

To the faggot reading this thread, it must piss you off to read someone who's got your number.

that's what these queers do, and if a mod buys into their logic they can achieve the SJW/anti-racist anti-white anti-DRUMPF sanitized comedy environment they want. u/spaceedge you are being duped by people who claim they want to prevent the sub from getting shut down when really they are straight up SJWs who want to censor shit that triggers them

Dude. You didn't get reported. This thread did. I tagged you in it because you wanted examples of the dumb fucking reports we get.

I mean, you may have been reported somewhere else, but I usually don't look at the names.

oh whoops i thought you meant i was tagged

still, this confirms what i'm saying just as strongly

Yeah, I may have worded it poorly.

You definitely cc'd the right mod.

yeah I figured out through various things, including a PM from someone, it was him.

Yeah, it's ridiculous. He and SpaceEdge are backing each other up. Then trying to give me shit for "throwing them under the bus" while I've never even named names (in public) for their shit

so...who removed it and why?

I was about to start name calling because the thread wasn't removed.

Then I saw that it was.


Sorry but there comes a point you have to just admit people are right about this mod team.

Kinda why I quit the first time

I heard they sniff each other’s assholes as a means of communication.

Dogs are disgusting too.

so which mod shadowbanned this thread from the front page?

u/SpaceEdge u/TheToolMan u/braunheiser u/CCRed95


It was space edge or tool man. The other two get a pass for now

toolman was using some weird orwellian language justifying deletion of "duplicate" threads. this is usually a tell that there's some political motivation. whoever is responding to these thread reports (which is literal SJWism) is enabling them and fucking up this sub.

I thought tool man claimed to never visit here anymore. Reason enough to remove him imo

If it's just one moderator doing the kumail/hartwick/sethrogen deletions and recent shadow thread deletions then get rid of them or limit them. if it's several or it's spaceedge who i think owns it, it's more complicated

braun and ccred95 would never do that type of shit, I CC:'d them more so they can get a whiff of what's up

Looks like this thread is gone again. There's a civil war brewing in modtown.

it's most likely spaceedge or thetoolman doing it, and why, i don't konw

Braun said he never removes posts, he's a good boy.


@unclepaul84 why do you think they shadowbanned this thread that was naturally upvoted to the front page?


make a scene about it. Post in the free for all or something. I'm gonna make a long post about it eventually probably.

I'd let a dog in my house anyday without question.

The curry nigger stays chained up outside.

Kumail shits in the streets and rapes between the sheets.

Paki faggot,go home,your shithole awaits.

Sorry but there comes a point you have to just admit people are right about this mod team.

I'm seeing that