Vos is 61

10  2018-07-11 by Dennyislife


And you spent months in psychiatric hospital. What's your point you obese, autistic cunt?

Oh. So we can add fat to fantasist to your obsessive behaviour around me. Stick to your wrestling reddit.

He down voted me. Run back to SCjerk which is actually a wrestling reddit even though it sounds like something you practice a lot.

You are so fucking dumb. That's a sub that makes fun of wrestling and wrestling fans.

You also used to post in another one but when I pointed it out you stopped it seems. Squared circle or some cringeworthy name like that. Stop trying to get out of it.

I'm surprised that you used the correct one of your 17 Reddit accounts to reply.

I have two. One was Denny is god or something like that. Forgot the log in years ago.

Are you projecting yet again? This is just sad.

Stick to wrestling.

Prove it. Agree to let the mods check how many accounts are posting from the same IP addresses as your dennyislife account uses.

If that's possible I am totally fine with that.

I'll set it up.

Okay sweetheart. Now just admit you are a adult wrestling fan shut in who has to make stuff up about someone on reddit to feel good about himself.

I am off to the pub now XXX

Will ya?

Who the fuck cares about IDs on a shitposting subreddit about radio obscurity.

For a non celebrity vos is a good looking 61 though. Ant looks like The Fly Jim who is 11 years younger has negative muscle mass and Opie has the sloppy tits of a woman who is transitioning from fat to obese

Vos leads a happy life with hobbies, a family, and the ability to take a joke. Tits, Opie Roberts, and Jim Norton; not so much.

He was also a heavy drug addict for a long time who lost a majority of his teeth. Don't give this zlich room for credit.

Get out Jim and take your 'zilch' with you

His IQ is a sprightly 22, though

crack don't crack

Okay sweetheart. Now just admit you are a adult wrestling fan shut in who has to make stuff up about someone on reddit to feel good about himself.

I am off to the pub now XXX

Will ya?