Jim opens up about refusing egg whites because they used PAM in the pan [39:18]

40  2018-07-11 by RapistWithHIV


Joe Rogan at least has the balls to go all in on a diet, as he downs cups of butter coffee, eats mayonnaise topped with meat and drinks liquified avocados day in and day out. Little Yimmy is eating the “egg whites and chicken diet” otherwise known as the fence sitter diet.

1992 housewife diet.

Eat this and you'll shit out the aids diet

Trannies aren't gay diet


for anyone who wants to try joe rogans bullet proof coffee, don't put too much MCT oil in, you will squirt.

This is definitely true

pole sitter diet

Rogan survives on a steady diet of axis deer he hunted on a small hawaiian island with a compound bow. Jaime, pull up that video of the axis deer goring that kid.

I hear it was it was grass fed axis deer.

Just some eggs. No, uuuuh. Bread.

The way he said that, he clearly thought he would get some kind of praise. WOW! No bread??? How'd ya manage???

It's the closest he'll ever get to Pam or any other woman for that matter.

What the fuck is he talking about? This is insane, no one cares about your terrible egg breakfasts you weird cunt

What happened to this fucking guy?

He was very badly raped, you see.

No one is laughing.

That his motto.

I don't comprehend it. What's the point of such a tedious diet if you aren't recomping your body build? The faggot has looked the same for 6 years! Either bulk, cut, or consume a non-homo diet.

His confident insistence that it's "Air Alaska" is infuriating. What a dope.

I couldn't agree more. I wanted to hit him in the face with a frying pan as soon as it left his cocksucking lips.

A frying pan sprayed liberally with Pam.

Jim Norton is a man riddled with guilt.

.....and a long list of STDs

Guys, guys.

I'm a dipper. I like to dip things." -James Norton

He dips into man ass.

This is a conversation in an old folks home.

50 years of living and this is it. These are Jim Norton's life experiences. A story about some eggs not smelling great and then eating better eggs after a flight. And that little mention of "no bread!" was supposed to be the climax of that riveting tale. You truly are a mad man, Jim. No bread with your eggs!

I guarantee you that there's a sexual element to his eggs obsession. Everything in his life is based on sex and cuckolding so eggs can't be an exception. Maybe he just loves eggs to have the same consistency of cum.

I was going to say you were reaching, but that theory at the end brought the whole thing together.

I used to love Jim. I still love 2006 Jim. But the fucking Walmart metal shirts. The stupid droning on about his diet can't have seltzer water. And can you see how this fruit wears his headphones? Fuck Jim Norton.

Can't have seltzer water?

It looks too much like champagne.

Not even roides for breakfast ugh for dinner level bodybuilders eat just egg whites anymore. It may eben be unhealthy to do so as they have some sort of antinutrients in them that get balanced out by the yolk. It's not like this worm needs protein and if he did just boy some decent grass fed whey protein CONCENTRATE not isolate and get very good protein and other benefits from the lactoglobulin or some shit.

Norton just needs a food that tastes like trannycum

Nice jargon, stupid.

Drink some butter coffee n’ Lift some kettle bells ya little worm

Jim needs a personal jubilee. One month where he can eat, drink and get high as much as he wants. He could get 5 years worth material in just that one month of debauchery.

REMINDER: Jim Norton dips chicken in yolk of his "Egg Whites"

Eggs and airlines talks. Holy shit this is bad

I know lots of body builder types who use pan spray so they don't have to use butter.

I don't get any of it, but what the fuck is Norton doing?

I want to hang myself on Instagram live after hearing this.....Diiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppo

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Kill yourself

Stop bullying me U/thehelperdroid I'm going to fawkin do it!

But Greggory, why would that make anyone stop?

Whoever made this retarded ass bot probably thought they were being noble and really making a difference in the world but in reality it's just a stupid fucking annoyance and I hope, in an ironic twist, they fucking kill themself.

I love people like Jim whose lives revolve around dieting and exercise and they still look absolutely terrible. What a waste of a life.

Joey Diaz is a good person to talk to about avoiding bread.

Nice relatability with the host, stupid.

The life of an addict

This is definitely true