I do not like Dave Rubin.

6  2018-07-11 by MSteve1232000

Is there something wrong with me?


I like Rubin Dave.

Tsss, fawk yeah!

MeToo. He’s a massive fraud.

Why do you say he's a fraud?

Because he misrepresents his independence and politics (he’s on the take from the Koch Bros and ain’t a liberal), and is an intellectual lightweight who can’t actually debate any issues, but perpetuates fear mongering and actual fake news over representing causes he doesn’t even understand. He stinks.

You think he sucks the bro’s kochs?

100% of the people that are heavily involved in the culture war are faggots. The racists and the SJWs are all dorks who have nothing going on in their lives and are just screaming into the void in order to find some type of meaning.

He's a faggot

I hate how fags act as if they're a part of the right wing now, they're disgusting

Yeah, Rubin should go do some shows in the Bible-thumping deep South with his fellow right wingers and see how well he'll be treated.

I like him for leaving The Young Genocide Deniers

a fraud faux intellectual who pretends to car about free speech in order to pull the alt right right crowd into the necon camp. Rubin along with Gavin, Milo, Sam Harris ,and Jordan Peterson are part of this clique that useful against against the saggy SJW left there real agenda is to push for a pro Israel foreign policy and expansion of the intervention in islamic shitholes.

Tsss whadabout pro Isn’tRael or somethin?

I think he’s cool. Not as effective as others who share his opinions though. Just not manly enough. He should be less gay.

It says a lot that he's probably the least embarrassing member of the Imbecilic Dork Web. He's still a scheming kike gatekeeper/shekel grabber, but he's not as obvious as Sam Harris, Ben Shapiro, Steven Pinker, Jordan Peterson, Michael Shermer, Christina Hoff Summers, or the Weinsteins.

He’s Jew who has saw an opportunity to make shekels off of the crazy Left by playing the “rational guy” making a plea for understanding. I can see it a mile away.