New Theory: Everything Anthony projects he does his to appease his dead dad. (Because he is secretly sexually attracted to him)

1  2018-07-11 by RBuddCumia

From the guns and wop lifestyle, to his supposed heterosexual nature, he is only trying to project what big daddy wanted for him.

Nothing is a better example of this than his sexual nature; or what he signals it to be. Anthony only likes women because that’s what daddy wanted him to like (let us not forget Buzz). More specifically he only likes white women because he doesn’t want to upset daddy.

I think if it can be traced back to a single event in Ant’s life, it would be his dad and the shower routine. In that moment Ant developed a sexual curiosity for men, and his father in particular. The bombardment of homophobia and racism on little Anthony, by his father, in fear that his son would become a gay coal burner didn’t help either.

He is truly fucked.