Is anyone here a fan of Sam Hyde or MillionDollarExtreme? Could you explain it?

0  2018-07-11 by Qaske

Every now and then this is brought up and I'll watch a video. It's never funny. I don't get the humor at all.

This seems like a Tom Green RipOff but it sucks:

If you look up Sam Hyde there's ton of shitty vids like this

Am I not getting the joke or does he just suck?


I used to kind of like it but now i dont. I dont get it either

Unfunny fag that should stick to mass murders.

yeah seems like a try hard edgelord who took it too far .

The Williamsburg interviews were hilarious.

I didn't get him at first, but he grew on me.

A lot of his appeal is his subversive red pill dropping and alt-right dog whistling. His short lived Adult Swim show was even called World Peace so they could put WP on the screen and featured hidden swastikas in the background all the time.