Sometimes, I'm still amazed that Trump won, and probably will win again in 2020.

1  2018-07-10 by TangerineReam

De Blasio wont be able to go all the way, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can't run on a straight socialism ticket for long past 2020 outside of NY (not that shes in a position to run for prez now). Hillary can't, and Warren will probably pussy out again. Plus, the left have turned on Bernie for some reason (although he's too old to take on the mantle anyway).

Regardless, NY and CA will try to bulldoze their picks into the white house because they don't trust the rest of the country to do anything, further isolating them from the American people at large. Most likely, they'll pick people that are so out of touch with the country and so in touch with their special interest groups, that they'll just lose again harder than they did last time, making them even crazier than they are now.