whats with the lack of Opie hate these days?

0  2018-07-10 by opiesucks

seems like all your queebs have branched out to other members but lets not loose focus on Opie. He sucks and I don't like him.


your username is very apropos. It's hard to hate a guy treading water.

He's treading water like Natalie Woods

we should only be so lucky.

Out of sight out of mind. Anthony media "empire" is crumbling because of the incompetence of his minion and jimmy is suicidal because he can't convince one of the many men in dresses he fancies to play house with them

Long time no see, but you tell us. Why haven't you been here stirring the shit?

I usually just forget he ever existed.

Faggot, if we make fun of the same person every day it gets old. Opie is out of rotation for the moment but we will soon be back to making fun.

His strategy of complete disengagement with this sub is working. We can't let him get away with this.

Tits is apparently doing a podcast where he’s happy enough to spend 10 minutes crunching out a shit during recording. He clearly hasn’t even listened to a podcast before. It’s hard to keep kicking a man who is going out of his way to fail.

The Podcast Play-By-Play is the place to be.

Opie barely registers on the radar anymore. What's to make fun of that hasn't already been said?