REMINDER: Jim Norton had a crush on the "doctor" at Lens Crafters

47  2018-07-10 by JimNortonUnfunnyFag

He just spills over the sides to any stranger that will listen.

Warm jacuzzi & one razor blade coming right up...


borderline personality disorder to the max.

If you think he will die in any other way besides the ol' Carradine, you're as delusional as he is.

I assume you mean John Carradine, who drank himself to death just like Jimmy will once he relapses

He’s a 50 year old man who had a “crush”.

At that point, it doesn’t even really matter where his sad attention is directed.

Babyboys do not tend to grow up

Awwwwwww, baby boooooy....

find a 40+ 5 or deal with the fact that you have to choose 20 years of loneliness or a fake relationship based on financial attractiveness

The “doctor” part is much more embarrassing. Did he really call her (him?) that?

Yeah. He now has crushes on random people. It’s ok - she was engaged and he was talking relationship status with her. What a creep.

I think she perceived Jim telling her he wanted to be her dootie toilet after an all-you-can-eat Mexican buffet was a bit forward.

Yeah well he also had to make sure that she drink any alcohol or else her tinkle might have trace amounts of it and she was not allowed cheese in her Mexican food as he is lactose intolerant....

I hope Jimmy falls asleep in a fireworks factory that catches fire.

I don’t know man. Those fireworks might trigger something in him that is dredged up from his years as a hooligan putting chocolate ice cream on old people’s seats in their car.

That's dark man. Really dark.

I had a crush on a girl working at 7-11, haven't seen her in a month