Every single show related to this fandom fucking sucks.

117  2018-07-10 by ForceableEntry

Jim Norton, once a highlight player, has decided to co-host with the albatross of the entire O&A subculture. One of the worst things to ever happen to the show was Sam being promoted from intern. It was the beginning of the end, it made laziness the status quo for all of them. On "Jim & Sam", you'll hear every single part of O&A that you hated most, with absolutely nothing resembling what you did like. Not just that, but a bitter resentment for what you once enjoyed. We have better things to do now, don't worry. In its place will be uninteresting interviews with the sons and daughters of formerly famous professional wrestlers, in addition to pointless and mildly coherent ramblings where sentences start with no forethought into how they should end. Opinions? Who needs 'em. Punchlines? Honestly, we're going to have to check with Scott. We have to talk to Greenstein first, GENUINELY. Having a conversation about almost anything in the world that consists of 2 people having to ask one another leading questions about the subject that neither will be able to answer? No effort = No content = No resolution = No payoff = Relateable to the listener = Everyone wins. Fuck it, we'll do it LIVE.

"The Anthony Cumia Show" has the distinction of being the only program among them that is entirely self-funded, and one listen-through will tell you why. On this show, we are not afraid to cross the line, and it's the only place you will ever hear an OPEN and HONEST discussion. Every single day. About the same exact thing. Endlessly and without interruption. From the crack of dawn until the crook of Dawn (cumia, that is.) We're talkin' blackniggers. People with brown skin. What the fuck is up with them, anyhow? Why are they like that? Join The Quickest Wit In Radio as he debases himself and erodes any reputation he ever had for having comedic standards. You would think someone with a recorded audio archive spanning 20 years of mocking others for their shortcomings would have some standards themselves. Look on the bright side: Anthony Cumia is trying something new. He's on his own, and now he's trying things he has never done before. By making the content, guests, employees, and customer relations as bad as possible, you take the road less traveled in entertainment. He is a trailblazer, a pioneer in digital media that will be seen fondly in the future once corporate media is destroyed by the internet.

"Bennington", for those who want to picture their radio hosts wearing sunglasses indoors at night time. Because when I wanna laugh, I tune into a recording of daddy saving his spoiled new york lefty babygirl from doing all the difficult parts of radio. Riddle me this, gang. Who among us DOESN'T love a good cry when a marginally successful and overrated musician who hasn't been spoken of in 15 years passes away? It's an opportunity for character growth. Instead of roofying his daughter, he is roofying us. Radio to fall asleep to. But for you old school fans, we're bringing back ONE thing: We're still pretending that Pepper Hicks is even slightly funnier than the most unfunny guy you knew in college, or that quiet co-worker at your first job.

I would speak ill of "Opie Radio" here, but here's why I won't: I find it incredibly charitable that he is willing to donate his time to the parent corporation that pays Ben Shapiro to say about liberals what was being said on the O&A show more eloquently/nuanced/entertaining 10 entire years ago. Because Opie is not being paid by Westwood One, he is proving that this is a labor of love. The man lives and breathes radio, and has been doing it since he was fawkin' 18 years old in case the bit past you by. To be PERFECTLY honest wit yew, I wish him NOTHING but the fawkin' best. I did right by him, in the end.

Robert Kelly, god bless him, but he needs to take a break and get himself together. Even the origin of the name of his podcast comes from him being mocked for being a hot headed fool.

But consider this, gentlemen... at least we can look forward to the likes of Nick Mullen, Dan Soder, Big Jay and Sam Hyde being passed the torch and promptly dropping it onto the floor five seconds into their overzealous sprint.

Everyone you liked is powerless or dead. Anyone who could have saved us from this is incapable or uninterested. How does it feel?


Not a My Wife Hates Me fan?

I heard you are a goy faggot. And I heard that from very reliable sources.

Jews are so much gayer than non-Jews.

I am who everybody wants to be.

you are giving these goons a run for their money

Hi chickenfan.

Online vermin, you see?

How about "I Hate His Wife" ? Far more accurate.

I heard you are a dog-raping faggot. And I heard that from very reliable sources.

I don't listen to them for the same reason why I don't hang out with couples - it's all about them and their relationship, just uncomfortable is all

I don't want to read of all of this. Hey, /u/NateJay82 can you give me a rundown of this post please?

Why did you share your pointless opinion with us? In the words of The Psycho, Say what you mean, pick your battles, and always keep your head on a swivel.

relax, man. wasn't a personal attack at you.

Forceable Entry Wall-Of-Text Play-By-Play Analysis

  • Jim & Sam: Worst of O&A minus any humor. Nonstop boring interviews with porn stars and pro wrestlers. No effort trash from two men with no chemistry or relatability.
  • Anthony Cumia Show: Daily uncensored rambling session from a dump old drunk alcoholic racist. His terrible production, website, and personnel are sticking it to the man.
  • Bennington: Hip middle-aged city dad wears sunglasses indoors, talks like an NPR host, gives his talentless coalburning whore daughter a job, and cries about musicians nobody cares about.
  • Opie: Charitably giving us free shitty podcasts on Westwood One because he embodies radio.
  • Robert Kelly is a hot-tempered retard. The rest of the hosts in this universe and destined to fail.

Overall: AccurateButOverlyWordyWallOfText/10


Paragraphs are not walls of text. TYFYS

more words please, I've had too many consumables to focus for that long.

It's not my fault you chose drugs over literature.

hey look its puts '100 percent effort into his post and is fragile' guy

Your mother

Cram it with walnuts ugly

Nice novel, dummy.

if i wanted to read id take the cock out of my mouth and go to a library. sheesh.

Your Bennington synopsis was dead on.

Where Ron ended up may be as tragic as where Cumia did if only because Ron was genuinely talented and likable at one point.

Ron still has it in him, but he's gone to the Homer Simpson Rules of Employment motto - don't quit your job if you don't want to do it anymore. Just go in everyday and do it half assed instead.

And the only reason I say he has it in him still is a recent episode he did in memory of Richard Pryor. Most of the show was old bits of Pryor's stand-up, but in between he'd talk with other comedians and even Pryor's widow, and since there was no Gail or Pepper to disrupt the flow, it was actually very interesting.

So yeah, he's gotten lazy and he knows it. The rest of his comments are dead accurate, admittedly even the Opie one.

Length aside, this is perfect.

That's what Cumia said.

This is like opening up Joyce’s Ulysses for the first time

You know who could save it all? Florida blueberry farmer Todd ”Fez Whatley” Hillier.

I hate to break it to you but that radio actor now resides in Pinellas Park, FL living a private life.

Uncle Todd is taking care of his great niece and his momma. He will come back when he’s ready.

First he’s working to get deer from PA to WY though.

Skippy.... Kiss! Cookie?

You forgot to really bash Opie

This rant reads like the worst issue of Mad Magazine ever.

I haven't heard any of these - besides some Jim and Sam YouTube videos, when they had good guests - but this sounds about right.

Very sad. If only they would drop their single projects and do the JimRonAnt-Show. If O&A taught us anything, that you need to have all of the hosts to be funny.

Jim and Ant still have chemistry. Unfortunately, Ant is only ever on Chip's show...and Chip is an abomination.

Sam and Jim together are like sideburns and cheese soup.....Opie/Carl/Vic/Sherrod are fucking horrible....Ant and Artie are long over. Like OP said...it all ended when Jim chose Sam over somebody who ANYBODY would want to hear on the radio...and when the other members chose co-hosts to "play nice" with them over somebody to do good radio with.

They deserve all of their failure and the hate from the fanbase.

when they had good guests

They haven't.

I agree with about 89% of that. Good effort, especially on J&S.

I agreed with 86% of it. I don’t see how anyone could agree with 88%.

Im hovering at 94%

I was at 90, but he was so spot-on with Sam that I'll forgive that cut at my favorite yarmulke stand, Ben Shapiro.

That's the spirit!

People with brown skin. What the fuck is up with them, anyhow? Why are they like that?

Maybe that's Ant's problem. It's his delivery. He should try to present his views in a Seinfeld-like fashion.

What's the deal with these minorities?

That's a lot of words, brotha man

It is hard to get off the subject of niggerhate when there's fresh news by the minute.

Pepper hicks rules. He is white trash to be goofed on, like an e rock that does drugs

Hicks is terrible. He's never been entertaining, whenever a caller bashed him he had Opie-level thin skin, his laugh sounds like the choking of a baby, and he was the Proto-Jim when it came to the "deep sigh Yeah..."

You clearly didn’t hear his Tinder adventures last year then.

I did not. I listen to Bennington's current show pretty rarely, usually when it's reported for something good, like Queen Fezzie's surprise call-in a while back (which was short but awesome).

There's been worse on the show, no doubt, but a lot of times I felt he didn't add much.

He talked about fucking all kinds of weirdo or ugly or crazy girls. Went on for a few months.

Shit, I do the same thing with my friends.

Maybe I should be on the radio! Or start a podcast!

If only I could get the equipment into the city, though...

You can’t even do that!

Don't worry Dave smith will save us

At first I laughed...then I vomited blood...then I laughed some more.

Bennington rules, fuck you, you fucking fag

This nigga can type.


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And no mention of Bill Burr allowing Nia to burn his podcast to the ground.

It's not even worth mentioning.

What's that man? The board crapped out on ya...

Good read sir

Well shit dawg, when you put it like that...

I’m open to suggestions. What do you like to listen to in order to fill the pain of living?

The sound of your family screaming for their lives.


You don't get to say oof because it was about you.

oh ok good to know sport

That's a lot of words but I agree with the title. All of these shows are completely valueless.

So you’re spot on with everything, and then you ruined it by not bashing Opie. I could care less about his labor of love. I could produce a labor of love in the bathroom, and put out the same quality content that he’s putting out and give it away for free.


a surprisingly quick, peppy read, ty

Who the fuck is sam Hyde????