Opie Podcast Episode #20 - Play-By-Play Analysis

79  2018-07-10 by NateJay82

  • Episode 19 was Carl talking about pilsners. He has now been in more episodes than Opie.
  • Opie third-wheels a trip on a yacht with Carl and Matt and autistically needs to record it.
  • He practices his waspy voice and runs the joke into the ground by repeating it every 2 minutes.
  • Opie bought a fancy champagne but “forgot” to bring it. Carl calls out his pathological lies.
  • The two admire Greenwich Village. Opie loves this village of smarmy autistic rich whites.
  • Carl whines about his wife financially ruining him. Opie whines about seeing a black lady.
  • “Don’t pull your autistic spectrum shit in here Opie. I fucking swear” – Intimidating Carl.
  • Opie embarrasses himself in the coffee shop. He harasses the teenage cashiers to Google him.
  • They spend 5 minutes homoerotically talking about how good looking the teenage boys are.
  • Opie belts some car karaoke but gets the lyrics wrong. He asks Matt if he can poop on his boat.
  • Matt makes fun of Opie’s terrible podcast equipment and questions his general competence.
  • Carl is jealous that Opie and Matt click very well and he suddenly becomes the third wheel.
  • Opie tries to tell a Kenny Chesney concert story and complains about the online haters.
  • Matt tells them about what cars he’s being work on lately. Carl tries to talk about ethnic girls.
  • Opie records the last 10 minutes taking a dump. He asks Carl if the boat smells like poop.

Best Moment: Opie and Carl getting insulted by teenage boys in a coffee shop.

Worst Moment: Opie recording for 10 minutes while he grunts and pants taking a shit on a toilet.

Overall: CubanAlienVsHomosexualPredator/10


this is going great

You’re service is appreciated ... You are a gentleman and a scholar

You’re not a scholar.

You are one of this sick, sadistic fuckers who puts cigarettes out on his arm aren't you? ..

I'm just channeling my autism for good in contrast to Opie using his to create directionless embarassment.

Saint on Eart

You're really taking one for the team. By which I mean an eventual brain tumor.

Well we all appreciate it, Rainman

dude, you also make my day!

Opie should run with that bit more often. Ask as many people to Google him. That'd be great

"Ya but the guy in this picture looks young" - Greenwich Teenagers

"Is this you? It says he that Bam Margera fucked your wife."

Googling opie doesn’t give any good results. Now, if these cashiers happen to click on his wife’s, that’s where the fun begins.

I hope he gets fired for recording himself taking a shit

I feel like Carl calls Opie out on his shit pretty regularly...at this point I'm believing that it must be their way of "busting balls" considering Carl it's still on the show....sounds riveting

It’s phony. Carl knows when he warns Opie not to do something, it is the same as telling stupid Opie to do exactly that.

Thats fair...I haven't listened so I'm just going by the play by play haha

Im thinking opie has no choice but to accept it. He can’t do a podcast alone. He doesn’t have anyone else that’s reliable to do it with him except Carl.and Carl does give him most of his content.

What is it with Opie and his fascination with shitting???JFC.

He's a cunt.

You can say that again

Ha ha Reddit, username checks out!!!

That's the fawkin' bit, hater...

Maybe the anus has passed you by

excellent work

Opie whines about seeing a black lady.

That's pretty funny but I'm sure he delivered it autistically and with zero confidence.

You're doing the lords work. You deserve a thorough ass eating.

So the gist is Opie is still a pathological liar who is, at most, tolerated by the more talented people around him and whose idea of great comedy is still toilet humor and shit jokes. Some things never change.

Droppin’ Hammers All Day Long

It is so awesome and funny when he struggles to pronounce Matt Farah’s last name! Almost as great as when he used to say Brett Favre’s name like a retard. This Opie fella, he really knows comedy.

Thanks for these. I really see what Opie is trying to do, like LOOK AT HOW WACKY MY LIFE IS AND I AM!! because he fails to be funny by using words but god damn he fucking sucks and would be lucky to make 3rd shift at a shitty radio station in Dover. When you aren't as funny as the static that comes on after your shitty show you have a problem. He should be a permanent shitty background actor in 90s psas.

Have a fudgie-wudgie bar and relax, pal

You seem to be getting angrier by the episode.
God bless !

I cannot tell what is real anymore.

Episode 19?

You forgot to mention the non-stop ads.

Who is advertising on this?

No one.

you kinda got me curious, this carl calling opie out story arch has be interested

So 20 episodes in, Opie is already out of stuff to talk about and his co-hosts are already at the point of excluding him. Shit, it took him years for that to happen on O&A! Opie has become much more efficient at his shitty incompetence.


I can't even finish reading this play by play its so boring.

I laughed more times reading this re-cap than listening to any of this shit.

Who is advertising on this?