Wow, Compound Media is really getting some big names now! Larry King, Bob Saget, Adam Carolla, Larry Holmes, and Joseph Cumia are all part of "Our Team"!

4  2018-07-09 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


What a fucking embarrassment.

I refuse to believe Anthony Cumia did something cringey.

I can't believe idiots pay for this garbage. He really got Joe Perry on the phone?

Yeah I think it was a 10 minute phone call advertising a charity event.

“Joe Currie - Comedian”


Joseph Cumia, Anthony's brother, is a professional guitarist. He portrays The Edge in 2U a world renown U2 tribute band. Has his own podcast on

LOL, world renowned.

This is so, so sad

hyuck hyuck, it's so clever to name your band 2U, because it's U2 backwards! Are Boner and The Edgy members?


Why is the singer the only one trying to look like the band? He makes such a huge deal about the difference between tribute and cover bands I figured he'd at least be going all out.

The laziness of Joe Cumia never fails to amaze.

Has his own podcast on

Not only has Joe's show been dead for almost three years and completely scrubbed from the internet, but is for sale. Can't even update his own brother's bio. What a pile of shit of a network.

Its for sale? I know theres some japanese trust fund incel floating around here somewhere. Please buy it.

Over half are fucking porn stars. Bravo.

Repulsive looking ghetto porn stars, Patrice's whore, Jim Norton's bodyguard, Anthony's unfunny "comedian" friends, and his dumbass leech brother. He charges money for this.

Surprised he didn't include Bobo,Sandy Kane, Joe DeRosa, they are better guests than Jenkem

How exactly does he define "team"?

Awww how cute, he thinks every guest he's ever had is his friend. He's as bad as Norton.

Yeah I think it was a 10 minute phone call advertising a charity event.