Im willing to bet he still has flashbacks from that fateful night.

7  2018-07-09 by RBuddCumia


I love him so much.

How do they measure such a thing and what is considered alarming? I wanna see the receipts

Don't front, girl.

I heard you are a beta faggot. And I heard that from very reliable sources.

Excuse me, but Anthony has risked life and limb in the pursuit of scientific knowledge in order to conduct first-hand field research. The results have been tabulated and women of color have been shown to resort to "physical violence at an alarming rate" one out of one times. That's 1000%!

We went to an awful club after dinner and got hammered. A guy tried to talk to me when he was in the bathroom, and my shock jock kindly brandished his weapon to ward off the pest.

Ant's seen it first hand because he's a woman of color with a domestic abuse charge.

To be fair to Ant, a 25-year old black prostitute in NYC is about as fit as a 55-year old white man, so the fight was 50/50 to begin with.

"Civil Disagreement", you were taking creep photos of prostitutes at 4 in the morning, you fucking degenerate

He talked about Time Square being a shithole many times but he was there taking pics at 4am?

That is the correct spelling of Scaffolding.

"Many women of color have been shown to resort to physical violence at an alarming rate. What should be a civil disagreement oftens turns to violence. I've done it first hand. Don't call me out on it or I'll DM you and send you to obscurity" - Nana Cumia.

Civil disagreement = You poorly denying you were taking creepshots of her ass

🎵 I can't remember anything. Can't tell if this is true or dream. Deep down inside I feel to scream "nigger." This terrible silence stops me.🎵

Why does he always seem so willing to fight women but I've never heard him step up to a man

How do you think he remembers it though? It must be a version so fucking far from the actual truth.

Anthony's 2018 Account of the 4AM incident in Times Square - July 2nd, 2014

"I had my camera pointed up at the sky, taking pictures of stars -then I accidently took a few snapshots of scaffolding...and from behind, a big black woman hammers me over the fucking head with her fucking bag....for no reason! There I was, A WHITE MAN...minding my own business and she attacked me!

Like I said in my tweet, word for word :

Women of Color Frequently forgo Reason & Discourse during altercations; especially a segment of African Americans...they resort to Violence before anything else

"After being punched, I calmly told her...'excuse me! I dont want any trouble! Allow me to abscond with my dignity & resume my 4am photography of the night sky'....then 5 other black PEOPLE started giving me shit"

Anthony Cumia...The Philosopher King, another victim of The Left's tsunami of unfairness...courageously defying his oppressors one sage and wise tweet at a time. Who knew at the time that a routine late-night walk to go photograph some scaffolding would be the fulcrum of sweeping societal changes that will ultimately doom us all, eh?