Jim who drank wine and passed out in high school tries to relate to ace frehley who has been an alcholic for 40 years

89  2018-07-09 by Fredrock26


Frehley jokes earlier in the video about having been blacked out drunk so often that he cant remember years of his life and needed help writing his book to fill in the spots. Jimmy interjects later and asks if frehley still has urges because he himself struggles coping with being sober ever since his last bottle of wine before his self harm attention seeking days in his teens. I'm sure he was 5 seconds away from telling a chilling story about how he relapsed once over some rum cake but frehley cut in.


Jim even avoids root beer, just in case.

God forbid he goes on a sarsaparilla bender.

"I can't even play dates in Sioux City just to be safe."

Ace have you ever considered going to a meeting?

I was in AA for many years, and I would guess perhaps 50 percent of the members are not alcoholics, but were misdiagnosed or were court ordered.

Does AA get money from its members?

Half of the United States economy is based on people fucking up, then being sent to re-education camps. Court-ordered alcoholism classes, marriage counseling, drug rehab, etc.

Care to elaborate?

While this is a gross exaggeration, there is some truth to this statement. About 20 years ago, I was ion probation in NYC and I was forced to piss like every 3 weeks (even though I had no history of drug use/abuse). After pissing like 15 piss tests, they would not relent. Every week, they wasted resources to justify their little nignog jobs. Then, I was court-ordered to some Rican in Rego Park who ran a useless anger management group that I was forced to to pay like 15 or 20 sessions of out of my own pocket. He just rolled my group session and the other anger management people together with the druggies and the session was just a free for all. The most important thing was that this Nick Riviera of a forensic social worker got his money .


I think that if Anthony Cumia got the memo, he'd still have a job. When you fuck up, you blame everything on liquor/drugs/sex/all of the above, spend a week or two in a re-education camp, and all is forgiven.

It's basically turned into a protection racket - you spend $10,000 for your re-education, and you're allowed to keep your life.

Yep, recently got a DUI for having a small trace of marijuana in my system. Was forced to pay almost 700 dollars to get a breathalyzer installed in my car, even though there was no alcohol involved whatsoever. Have 22 hours of classes which cost me another 300. Plus the 1800 for the actual court fine which is drastically smaller than it'd normally be. So the system gets 3 grand because i had smoked a pipe 2 days before i had a seizure in my car.

Each little group is self-funded. Volunteers organize the meetings and members can donate to the coffee + donut funds if they want to. You can go to AA your entire life without donating anything.

The Overarching organisation is very small and only makes money for the sale of their books and donations. No one there is getting rich like other charities.

AA is a cult where the book is the cult leader instead of an actual person.

The DUI-industrial complex

How would you describe an alcoholic? Like a drug addict who can't go without? Just curious because I've heard them described a few different ways.

And yeah I know "Nice question, stupid" hahahahaha suck a cunt ya bunch of animals.

Alcoholism is a medical condition.

E rock puts on a Mayo Clinic

What a unlistenable mess. Everyone talking over each other and explaining their jokes.

*wine coolers. Let's not give Jim to much credit for drinking the hard stuff.

Jim is a self-loathing fraud sexually, professionally and privately.

This is amazing. Fucking zilch!

he cant remember years of his life

boo hoo I was a boring person that did nothing all day but lecher from the line of dumb average looking whores as I went from one hotel to another. I was an absolute prisoner of Gene.

This is so well written it could very well shatter Morton's fragile character-driven self deprecation and provide the blood or hanging this sub so desperately craves within a short timeframe. This type of thing could place Lil' Jimmy above Artie Lange on the deadpool. Bravo.

I forget the exact clip but faggot yelled at a caller for saying he was going to AA because the shitdick said you're not supposed to talk about AA since it's "anonymous".

That kambucha sent him over the edge