Jim said Mary Jean is sexy

20  2018-07-09 by Dennyislife

He's delusional.


in the right light she sometimes is.

yeah what? UV rays?

I think he means a solar flare.

The flash of a nuclear bomb?

The all encompassing embrace of the atom

i like her. she's the kind of girl i would be friends with until i started noticing stuff missing from my house

So she reminds you of yourself?

Back in my ho days maybe

You two could be a low rent version of Amber Rose and Blac Chyna

You can just say "yesterday"

Can I sniff your nonwhite feet

They smell like the floor of an abortion clinic.

Who ever heard of two women breaking off a friendship over some petty bullshit?

May Jean looks like Sammy Sosa. Jimmy loves Dominican Men, this doesn’t surprise me that he finds Mary Jean sexy.

What? Jim delusional? You're kidding

Jim obviously wants to fuck that disaster which is the reason why she's on the show constantly, he also seems to constantly hang out with her too. Imagine being a millionaire and have a radio show but have to bend over backwards to fuck a 3 such as Mary Jean. No wonder the worm wanted to kill himself.

She is sexy...just ugly too.

“People think that we’re dating, we aren’t we just like to hangout”

-No one thinks you two are dating Jim

No one thinks about either of you disasters

I don't know about you but whenever I see the shapeless best friend oribiting around some whore cringing up the place I always think: "this super chad must be fucking her every night"

I can't tell which of the two you think is above the other.

Compared with Nordic guys.

She a pig. A pig I whose ass I would eat but a real pachyderm none the less


I had to look that up. Well done, Sir.

Mary Jean is beyond the ass eating barrier for me. I'd still throw a fuck into her for sure, but my mouth isn't going anywhere near her.

Jim said Mary Jean is sexy (when she jam's her fist in his boy pussy).

Don't act like your withered fist would be the better choice.

I would fuck that ample assed disaster.

He’s gay.

She looks pretty good for a decomposing corpse.

She is sexy, meaning she has a sex doll body and most men on Earth would fuck her. But she's definitely not beautiful in any conventional sense.

She wanted to get an AVN award for best tits. They look like gravy-stained wine bladders.

Even if she were a 10 and intelligent, witty, and fun, it still wouldn’t justify her being on the show as often as she is.

Bodega Monkey