Request: East Side Dave song. "East Side Dave had to go to the hospital cos a famous celebrity poured hot sauce down his pants and burned his dick hole." That one. Does anyone have it or know where to find it?

5  2018-07-09 by SoreNun


No, but that is good.

It's by Perrynoid, but a quick google search doesn't show up any download links or anything. Sorry.

Probably in the prequel somewhere

I tried that one earlier. I skipped to the 'Aftermath' timestamp to no avail. It'll be somewhere in the 40+ hours following, I'm sure. I expected it'd exist somewhere on its own, like most of the other songs from R&F/O&A

Thankyou! :D

Black earl never let jay more disrespect him on a motherfucking radio

Motherfucker, say what? He let a dog lick his nuts.

Motherfucker, say what? He let a dog lick his nuts.