Opie is the girlfriend who forced her way into being included on a fishing trip

28  2018-07-08 by peopleforgetthat


The Zima is being ironic, right?

I'm sure Carl brought them to be ironic and Opie was like "oh no way I actually used to love these back in the day" and then tried to spin it into "that being the bit" once he got laughed at.

Of course these faggots are drinking Zima

Gregg was like some biblical parasite who’s made up of all the stolen personalities he gobbled up. He used to be legion, now he’s just a mediocre Carl.

🧢 🧔🏼 🕶 🍺 🍩 👨‍🍳

Opie is single white female

Carl looks more and more jewish with each picture that gets posted here.

Now now, just because he's fat, ugly, pudgy-faced, has overwhelming body hair, bad facial hair, and poor fashion doesn't make him jewish.

Whenever I see Zima I think of the RedLetterMedia shows, because I’ve never a man actually drink that shot in real life


Matt Farrah the car Jew. Ironically my least favorite car journalist. Those people are just abhorrent.

As faggy as drinking zima is, I'm more offended by the krispy kreme camp hat. Hopefully the captain has too many zimas and drives straight into a cliffside

I'm still undecided if it's better or worse than his female army cadet hat. I gotta think it's a slight improvement

Used to have the biggest international comics and actors on your show, now it's...

...turning the exact only times you hang out with friends into social media and 'entertainment'.

Looks like Opie’s wife finally took her hat back and poor Opie had to borrow one of Carl’s...

But now where will he put his belt? This one doesnt have belt loops

this pic makes me irrationally angry on a few levels

Hopefully the boats Opie & Ant are on crash into each other.

Where's an iceberg when you need one?

Need a German U Boat to shell these fags with the deck gun

I was thinking more of a Japanese type 93 torpedo

Walther Schwieger is never around when you need him.

Sunglasses, goatees and Zimas....pretty cool, huh?

Trying to ironically drink Zima cancels itself out you dopey mexican. Can we get Carl deported? I'm pretty sure he's a refugee. Can we get someone on that?

Carl Ruiz makes me physically angry. I do not know peace when I see his picture.

Yacht Cast? It looks like three retards just before the SS Minow found the weather that "started getting rough".

Tits doesnt even like cars or know anything about them. Im sure his questions will be as if a 6 year old asked them. " Is it fast?"

Zima? somewhere Jim Norton is frantically calling his AA sponsor

Amazing photo where Matt Farah managed to be the least asshole guy in frame.