Around the world today...

24  2018-07-08 by CommodorePawsey

... there are thousands of parents who will bury a child, millions of kids who will go to bed hungry, thousands of orphans who won’t know what it’s like to feel loved and safe. But JIM NORTON IS DEPRESSED AND SUFFERING. Keep him in your prayers.


Thoughts and prayers thoughts and prayers

oh no hes just a sensitive... where do you think all that creative genius comedy styles comes from?

dude, throw the man a bone. a few weeks ago Jim's Uber wasn't in front of his building but across the street. He didn't have time to cross. He told the driver to fuck off. Then, there was a giant rat taunting him on 37th street (who wasn't danny ross) causing him to be late for his show. Added to which, his breakfast has been delivered late and he was forced to eat it quickly. sniff

All this, in addition to grappling with the demon of addiction! You try wrestling with the constant temptation to have a Lopeweiser and ruin everything!

His therapist told him to go on meds and he chose not to.

His fault. Guy purposely ruined romantic relationships during his 30s and now he's a withered old woman who no one will love. Guy could probably been married with kids by now but instead he will die lonely and miserable like tony two shirts.

I thought you were taking a shot at one Mr Kuhn at first