I've been collecting people's addresses for years, am i mentally unstable? also do you have any comedian's addresses?

7  2018-07-08 by ThcBlueAwning

It's definitely a type of OCD but i have a book that i like to keep peoples addresses in, i categorize them in multiple categories (friends/family/lovers/comedians/entertainers/business/enemies). I try to keep up to date and have a system to track past and current addresses, I send comedians mail occasionally, many happily write back, some have written angry responses some very kind. I've sent Stanhope hundreds over the years but still no response from him...

I have Opie's address (unless he moved since the Jim & Sam Show split, which i doubt), I have Jim's address and i have Anthony's address but i'm pretty sure i have the wrong house number, i know i have the correct street though. I can assure you this is not malicious and i would never share this info with anyone i did not know, but i need help with some more addresses.

As i'm typing this all out it seems a little creepy, is anything i'm doing illegal?


It's fucking weird for sure. I usually don't even look at posts that mention addresses. Torment them online like you're pulling out their souls fingernails but leave their houses out of it

Disregard this

How many addresses do you currently have in the "lovers" category and how many currently in the "enemies" category?

An address book in 2018?

Me too but it’s just a binary list of those in obscurity and Colin Quinn.

your the kinda dude i am afraid of when i doxx myself on reddit

keep up the good work!

How do you deal with enemies?

The more insane part is having a physical address book, grandma.


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One time east side dave gave out pepper hicks address out on the davey Mac sports program. I walked past it when i was in Astoria just to see it. I wasn't trying to fuck Chris pepper hicks Stanley, i was just walking across queens i swear

Yeah it is weird, you should stop now.

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