So does anyone here care if Norton commits suicide (re: his 4am Instagram live post)?

14  2018-07-08 by Every1ShouldBKilled


I care if he doesn't

That lil mug needs to play the floor is lava ultimate challenge. Using his neck.

I’d care. Jimmy has a lot of faults but the little fag has given me many laughs over the years.

I think at our core, we just want Jim and Ant to fix their damage and get back to being funny. That's looking more unlikely by the day, though.

In order to do that, they'd have to be honest about their true feelings for each other.

There wasn't one. Only stories.

can I get a rundown of the instagram post before I answer.


Sub: LOL

He rarely makes us laugh these days anyhow

Does anyone remember laughter?

There would be some sympathy for Sam when he loses his radio partner.

We can’t have that happening.

That's just part of his life bit.

just do it on air and take sam with you

Is he soliciting advice?

I know some real creative ways.

We may hate Jimmy now, but would you really want him to commit suicide? I can see being OK if it was someone like Opie, but being happy about it happening to Jimmy seems a little overkill to me

yes. im killing myself, half the sub will do the same. what makes it any different for jim or the rest of em for that matter.

It'd be nice to see him do something funny again.

I could probably read the news without it affecting my gait, but I wouldn't want it to happen.

I think Jim should figure out his relationship issues, maybe being more honest with himself about what he's after, and understanding that not every perverse sexual desire needs to be fulfilled. Despite his thinking he isn't any better than a severe alcoholic.

Becoming less of a weirdo and getting into a healthy relationship would be the real shock. Anybody reading his autobiography up to this point would be expecting suicide.

Or just come out of the closet already.

It would be fun as fuck to see what this sub comes up with in response and to see Nigel & Sue's thoughts in his memorial guestbook, but ultimately I'm not actively wishing the hack death.

There is no going back for Anthony, though, and if he killed himself I'd be pleased and would love to see what it does to Joe.

But...suicide is always, ALWAYS, sad.

People talk about others they're mad at like they don't care if they die. The moment the person's gone, the hate subsides and guilt sets in. Thoughts move from "you're useless, just die" to "why didn't I try to help more? What could I have done to prevent this?"

It's way more impactful than it sounds when you make light of it.

Oh that’s right....Jimmy used to say shit like this all the time

I sincerely hope there's a celebrity suicide cluster that spreads to all white women who worship pop culture trash.