*exhales* Vice has some good articles man

35  2018-07-08 by AyeThatsAGoodNagger


People might be more accepting of them if we could understand what the fuck they’re talking about.

They’re literally just saying that you should perform oral sex on a pre-op trans “woman” by sucking “her” dick.

You're hired!

my what a gigantic "clit" you have

I got legitimately called transphobic for saying Im not attracted to anyone who has a penis.I hate fags.

I hate fags.

I honestly wouldn’t hate them at all if they just let me be and stopped shoving this shit down our throats and assholes 24/7.

I've found Mexican television to be a wonderful distraction.

The boxers don't duck. They stand toe to toe and fight like men.

The women look like women. Attractive women. The upper 1% of women in Mexico.

I just want American culture to respect its men the way Mexico does. Do I have to move there?

Mexican women are crazy but incredibly attractive. Also most of them haven't been suckered into this Western fad od women abandoning traditional female family roles and are really hard working and compassionate for their children.

I enjoyed talking about this when it was posted like 2 hours ago, faggot.

God damn you are a fucking retard.

exhales This is a tough one, and i don't want to motherfuck you, but I already stole this from mde and reposted it here before you did man.

How does one become a professional trans-sex expert? I'm looking for a career change.

You write a vice article about it.

you're a homophobic transphobic mysoginist if you don't suck cocks.

Die die die

This is a joke, right?

Even just 10 years ago, it would have been.

Is "Broadly" some kind of chick/etc section, like that show that used to be on Sirius that was called "Broad Minded"? I could go to their site and look for myself but I don't really care for Vice and their "look how alternative we are" target marketing.

Might be for chicks, or maybe for fags. Like Huffington Post’s “Queer Voices” section

I thought you could hear Queer Voices by tuning into Faction Talk in the morning.

vurry good

"Trans women who haven't had surgery"....you mean a man?

Born too late to explore the seas or fight in a great war, born to early to explore space but born just in time to eat out a non-op trans woman

What a time to be alive.

I’m not gay, I just like the feel of a non-post op vag on my prostate from time to time.

This cant be fucking real. Are they seriously calling dick sucking eating out now. Please tell me how this isnt mental illness.

Please tell me how this isnt mental illness.

cuz cummies. how dare you oppress cummies

Don’t you just suck her dick?