Killer tits. Dawn's are nice too

81  2018-07-07 by crookedmile


I don't think Rue had alzheimers, she just pretended to forget these zeroes.

All four of them look like they want black dick their mouths

Who doesn't?

Vintage Tony Two-Shirts.

Sleeves are for fags dude.

Joey No-Sleeves is born

Caasin, it's your caasin! Let's go molesting!

"You, yes, you, my friend, come here for a second, let me show you some amazing products made from Dead Sea minerals. Give me your hand, come on, it’s OK, just a second, just let me see your hand and I’ll show you what these moisturizers can do.”


I bought these once from one of those shops in the middle of the mall because some hot girl was rubbing my arm giving a demo. I should kill myself.

Nice handjob, stupid

Head on over to the Wilkes Barre Lowe’s for a clearance on rope.

I thought there was only a Lowe’s in Edwardsville?

Geography Yuma

did you read any of the exposes about how Israelis had a network of people in their 20s and 30s who went to American malls to do this cause it was a way to finance their their vacations?

so if I go to Hawaii and find myself a job to work there, every day during the day, while partying in the evening, but not too much because I have to work tomorrow ... is it still a vacation?

find myself a job

what's wrong with you? they themselves describe it as con artistry.

still requires time, effort and skill - sound like a job.

and they only think it not a job - because their jew parents, who did not want to pay for their vacation, tricked them into thinking its not a job.

btw - con artistry is a job - you spend some time to learn a skill, when you learn it, you go out and spend a time out of your day by trying to applyy it in real time andd when successful, you make some money.

not a regular job or whatever, but still a job.


How can so much garbage come from one mush-brained old woman's cunt?

lots of booze during pregnancy

The freebasing didn't help either.

or taking down the 71 jets offensive line

Don’t forget Mookie Wilson

Leon really has gained some weight.

Leon The Unprofessional

Nice gas station sunglasses stupid.

Is there a pic of them all where Anthony doesn't look like Ro's creepy foreigner boyfriend, in it for the money?

He’s always leaning slightly away when they pose. He knew even then he’d ditch her when the going got tough.

Ugliest family in the league.🤢

Look, it's Nico Bellic and his fat cousin Roman.

Drinking bottles of Pißwasser.

God they look like a 2nd generation cholo family.

What's with Joe's Leon the Professional glasses? I guess they both have a love for underaged girls.

I heard you are a faggot. And I heard that from very reliable sources.


It’s nice that they invited the Armenian baker from next door.

They look so Turkish.

He looks like a thrown out Hot Pocket

How could such a beautiful woman be from the same gene pool as two fucking monstrosities? Usually good looking people have good looking siblings.

Let's slow down here, sir...

Is the gentleman implying that Dawn is anything less than precious?

I'm no prize. I'm simply saying there are white women out there.

This is not a "beautiful woman":

But would you at least fuck her in the ass?

I would

I'm not Anthony.

Wow never realized Joe was so much taller.

Ant is the runt of the litter

Keep in mind Ant is wearing heels in this picture


Cunt of the shitter

Joe isn't tall. Anthony is a tiny manlet.

Roe; "Who are these people? Where am I?"

Ant's mom looks younger than he does

I wonder if Anthony is on the spectrum

No wonder fatso Joe gets an allowance, he is huge compared to AntH, Looks like he has 100 pounds more to him.

Hey little bro...remember that childhood pact we made 5 decades ago? Time for you to pay up!

Who is the Turkish taxi cab driver on the left?

They’re called swole pecs. It happens when a man lifts heavy weights. You should try it.

This literally looks like a gang that sells very low quality cocaine

I’d fuck the bitch in pink. Anyone got her number?

Plot 35 in the Pleasant Rest section of the Rolling Acres Cemetery.

Look at that 5 year vegetable next to Anthony.

This guy has threatened to fight people on the internet.

Brother Joe looks like High Pitched Eric

Who's High Pitch?

the tin knockin moroccan looks like a hacker from the 90s

Looks like a screengrab from a news story warning about a gypsy family pulling scams.

None of those people are white.

Anthony is his mom with nigger frizz in the hair. The other two are just straight up flared-nostriled niggers.

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

the ultimate measure of a man is if he takes care of his kids and family. might wanna clean in your own back yard first, homie

Jenkem Joe looks like a healthy high pitch Eric

Jesus christ, Ant really looks like a totally different person today. The HGH, hair plugs, and addictions really did a number on him.

Anthony looks like an immigrant who Ro befriended. He does the gardening and she let's him sleep in the garage while he waits for his papers.

nice looking at the camera stupid

But would you at least fuck her in the ass?

Geography Yuma