
29  2018-07-07 by RBuddCumia


Is this performance being staged at a left of center owned business, because I feel they might be missing the full story

He got 2 likes on that, that's 200% more than money he makes from his actual job.

Nice math, stupid.

Solo Joe. No band. No audience.

or mother!

Sniff I don't need fucking drummers and lead singers sniff always wanting to spend time with their children sniff I'll show them I can do it on my own I can cover other people's music on my own sniff fucking liberals

So the other guys have to stay home to take care of their kids?

more like they told him to fuck off with his tv/internet bullshit and cancelled gigs.

Solo Joe sounds like a category in gay internet porn.

Panera never paid enough to be able to afford college

Joe didn't need college to make it, he pulled himself up by his successful brother's boot straps and guilt tripped him into a monthly allowance ALL BY HIMSELF! SCHOOL OF HARD COCKS, EVER HEARD OF IT, LIBTARDS?!?!?!

Who the fuck capitalizes "acoustic" but not their own name. Obscure and illiterate.