Anthony thinks being a chairman of pool gives you legal authority over someone.

20  2018-07-06 by RBuddCumia


Not only does he have no legal authority, but the hoa for the pool itself didn't want him to do that and 'accepted his resignation'

Why does nanna always latch onto the plights of these beta tryhard vigilante wannabe cop incels like George Zimmerman?

Let's be real, the HOA are the ones who fucking molded him into that kind of behaviour but now they will nuke him from orbit because of the big bad r-word being tossed around in the media.

You think they explicitly told him he has the 'authority' to ask to check ids?

Honestly, that or words to that effect, yeah I absolutely do. These outfits exist to give jumped up little pricks who get drunk on "power" a reason to live. Big green yamo and space edge are probably presidents of their local HOAs


It's not even that I don't believe you, but that's hilarious if true.

She latched onto it for 5 fucking hours too! This assholes supposedly on vacation in Atlantic City and wasted half his day being angry about nothing.

because he's the biggest beta of them all. As much of a beta pussy zimmerman was he at least shot that kid when being attacked, instead of crying on twitter.

Shooting someone when you are losing a fist fight that you instigated makes you more of a beta, not less

fair enough, but getting punched by a woman and crying for three straight days on twitter is some pussy shit, but lets just call it even.

Yes, that is why nanna is an omega male

Because a guy with all the authority and no responsibility is exactly who Ant wants to be?

Chairman of the pool.

How the fuck do you use that statement when defending a tattletale.

master of water ceremonies

Lord of aquatic leisures

Chairman of the mother fucking pool

How is jt racist to ask for id?

I’m excited! My favorite radio host is tweeting about a pool two blocks from my house!!!

Maybe I can go on the Compound Show and tell the story of all the time I drove by that pool! I wonder what sort of takes Opie, Jim, E-Rock, Danny, Steve C. and Intern David will have on this event!

You should discuss it at length with u/patbattle1

You might notice that many low iq racists will step up to defend other racists when they do racist things. It’s a crazy world.


Just when you think you've heard it all, and become cynical that there's nothing new to hate on.

Executive VP of pool relations is the title thank you very much.

Is Anthony still ranting and raving about George Zimmerman the same day he said he never tweeted anything racist?

All self appointed sherrifs are fucking awful humans. They're like sick dogs. Ant sure does love freedom so much, I wonder if he asks to see ticket stubs in the movie theater.

Who the fuck is a chairman of the pool? What the fuck lower middle class white person shit is this?

Fucking pool chairmen

He knows it well, the Chairman of the Gene Pool often accosts the Cumias

"Chairman of the Pool"

Do you right wing faggots just sit at home jacking it to the idea of authority? And faggot porn?

police can't even demand ID without reason in most places

"I want that pool scrubbed sterilized and disinfected."

Ant militantly supports retarded authority figures just because they pick on niggers.

Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a constant attitude.

For a guy who built a radio career out of supposedly being this edgy irreverent rebel, Ant really is an authority worshipping bootlicker.

Executive VP of pool relations is the title thank you very much.