Reminder: I’m coming at you guys with unclenched fists

0  2018-07-06 by DOXXER1OO


Tarzan Boy!

make over 5k in one year and ill think about being scared colored man

What’s 5k to a guy like me? Brother gives me that whenever I want.

spoken like a true spoiled teenaged girl. it might not be a lot now but once compound media goes belly up you better pray chipotle will hire racists

So palm strikes like E Honda?

former bandmates tired of the internet fucking with their dates and finally give up? what a liability you are.

Fuck you balance wearing faggot

Well fuck my ass for liking an equal balance of style and comfort.

Is that the name of a U2 “deep cut”, dummy.

We come at you with unclenched assholes.

Good, cuz I’m about to turn ya round and slip inside

I just said we would come at you with unclenched assholes, why would you then need to turn me around?

Cuz Im gonna finish in your mouth, stupid.

Jokes on you, I don’t even use PrEP.

Well fuck my ass for liking an equal balance of style and comfort.