you wanna know how i got these scars?

92  2018-07-06 by Suibu


Not eating pussy, I'll tell you that much.

Eating pineapple.


Avoiding proactive for years.

This is “I’ve been called hot” Anthony

57 years young

Fifty flurf

I remember when this pic was posted last time his ballwashers were claiming it was photoshopped. So in addition to still being hilarious, framed for domestic abuse by Dani and a viable source of political viewpoint, he's also very handsome to them, too.

I was left at a grey hound bus station and a homeless man blew his toxic aids load on me.

Behold! The lunar sufaces dark patch

Nigga should of used accutane.

He said he took it at 35, poor little mug couldn’t afford healthcare as a tin knocker.

Should have used a 45.

Couldn't have done much worse to his liver than the drinking already has.

Sees Sue Lightning

Well, hello beautiful.

last victim of small pox before the eradication in 1979.

He's a mess

Looks like his iPhone exploded all over his ugly face.

Did you pick his acne with a fuckin meat cleaver?

Charles Boocowski.

Washing your face with bacon grease and steel wool

He puts the ass in acid attacks

Why so Sirius?

You mean da little dawgy company?

I’ll get shit on for this, I get it, but I really empathize with Ant on this one. I had skin issues growing up and always had mild systic acne and was super self conscience about it. It cleared up and I have no scars and from looking at Ant, I consider myself very lucky. Down vote away!!!!!

Nice skin, stupid

Oh look at you. Fuckin' Johnny Empathy. Go suck his dick.

Did you start fucking kids when you were an adult to overcompensate for all the time they were repulsed by you when you were a kid?

Downvoted for “self conscience”


“I’m a drinker...and a fiend”

Yeah but he’s got a hot tub

My father was a drinker. And a fiend. And a negro.

Freddy Kruger is happy he does not look this bad.

Ol' Harvey Dent-ass lookin' mothafucka

How the fuck you get a scar like that eating pussy

As a fan of r/popping, do you think he gets anything out of those with a good squeeze?

He's disgusting. Wow. What a gross sick fucking face.

From daddy pissing on his face in the shower.

Shaves with a spur.

For years and years this guy would speak about his bachelor ways and his prowess with women despite being a monstrosity. Radio really was the perfect medium for him. None of the listeners could call him out because this 0/10 wasn't flashing his face to us. Thanks to social media we've seen that all that puss he "slays" are ugly, misfit teens who were molested by their fathers.

He should go as The Hound for Halloween.

Looks like he got in between E-Rock and Roland when they were getting their forks ready to attack some pie

His ugly face looks like someone blasted a burnt fruit rollup with buckshot then sprayed it with shit.

I think I can see his teeth through one of those holes in his cheeks. Zombie faced Tunisian idiot.

Never considered a dermatologist as an adult? It could have helped minimize the scarring.

Eating pineapple.