This contest prize sounds amazing!

83  2018-07-05 by OpieEatsBoogers


Still not enough to cover Joe's allowance this year.

How do I get this guy to buy me a new iPad?

Pretend to be a fatherless 12 year old girl and understand all his Colombo references


A lot less than previous trips, that's all I know.

How was the chopper ride back to NYC?

Oh, right.

25 g

A follow that will last all of 2 weeks before he loses another Twitter account.

Until we lose it for him

I would love it if someone dm’d him and sent him home to obscurity after getting followed.

You know what other type of people are known for taking pictures of their money?

They also blow it all on frivolous things, have a rich criminal history, and like guns

A lot of their mothers smoked crack cocaine and they’re exclusively attracted to white women under the age of 20

Ant used to always “ironically” take photos of his money guns and whores

He’s a nigger

What do you mean people?

I believe they're called "N-people".

This is the poker chip equivalent of a nigger wad.

already blown on bud light

I hate African American social media accounts

I got blocked from r/blackpeopletwitter today.

Isn't that where they gawk at and mock nigger culture but if you point it out they get really sanctimonious and politically correct?

That old law about ‘an eye for an eye’ leaves everybody blind. The time is always right to do what is right.

Way to steal a Ghandi quote, you dirty jig.

Yes. They act woke, and like, Black folks... They're just like us... Am I right!?

But, if you ever let the veil slip, that you are laughing at, not with, they flip out.

There isn't a single black on that entire sub.

Lol we should totally post Cumio's tweets there.

Go for it. Fire away.

If this were cash, he'd just be another nigger showing off

It ain’t and he sill is.

Must be a thrilling time out on the Great South Cesspool Depository.

I am soooo jealous.

His entire net worth?

He probably has an unpaid marker worth that much or more with the casino.

2x the worth of Compound Media

That’s a lot of fucking money, just saying

I wanna set up a casino right next to this dolts house. Dumps hundreds of thousands at casino over the years. Brags about having 20k in his white trash dinnerware

Compound's financial lifeline.

How does a cylinder have two sides you Tunisian fuck?

One and a half Sue Lightning tits?

You see, despite his "WINNINGS" this guy is still a real "LOSER" in my book.

Also he hasnr cashed em out, those chips (wassat?) will be gone on the next drunken blackjack binge

Enough to get Sue new tits?

So when his employees at his million dollar company see this after being offered $200 per week to work for him, I’m sure they’ll be looking out for his best interests.

Wow... never saw anyone show off their winnings in a plastic 12 oz Dixie cup... not even a full sized 16 oz Solo cup... Most high rollers would have it in racks provided by the casino... That barely looks like it take three slots on a rack...

Yeah only $30k or so, what a loser

Really? That much? I am impressed.

REMINDER: Anthony Cumia thinks that a cylinder has sides

Forget Aristotle and fuck Socrates, here comes Professor Anthony! ♪♫

Unfortunately, that degree from the Discovery and History channels can only get you so far.

I forgot about that jingle but I did remember the saliva sucking sound he made in the middle of it t.

It doesnt have a top and a bottom?

A cylinder has 3 faces none of which have pock marks.

ME!: Just made enough to keep CM afloat for two more weeks and I'm so happy that I'll click a worthless button for one of you fat, ballwashing, truckers.

That's fucking gay.

Anthony is so poor that the only prize he can offer is a follow.

My guess is that there are more chips(tsss wassat?) in that cup than there are subscribers to his network.

It's how much Keith bleeds him of monthly. Either that or it's Masculine Missy's allowance to continue to give him the girlfriend experience.

alcoholic keeps his chips in a cup instead of coloring out

So here's why this is fake:

While it's conceivable that you'd have ~50 in reds (for tipping), you wouldn't have ~$500 in quarters and 20-25k in 500s but not have ANY $100 chips. Is he pretending that he was betting a $25/50 - $500/1k spread with nothing in between? He'd be kicked out in about 4 hands.

The story he's trying to tell ("I was playing a $500 max table and was betting small to just have fun and I accidently won a ton of money!") would mean that a majority of his bets would be in the $100-300 range. So a lot of his chips would be black ($100s). But they aren't in the picture. Did he color them up? If so, why didn't he color up the greens and reds? Why didn't he color up the 500s to cranberries or flags? Doesn't add up.

There are a bunch of 100s in the second picture though. I mean, everything else you said is spot on, but in the second pic the whole middle is black.

This faggot is so pathetic

One Dago, One Cup

Win a follow from the great ME!

If that appeals to you on any level whatsoever, you have completely given up on every facet of life.

You might as well end it. (In a Grand Theft Auto style rampage suicide, of course.)

I'd go as low as $13,000

Does the winner get immunity from being sent to obscurity? If so, that could be a valuable weapon for this sub, until this idiot gets his twitter suspended again.

this is sad. anthony will probably die this year


You're a refrigerator repairman who got lucky - CQ

Guys can you help me I really want to win that follow.

He really is a nigger.

Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.

Fuck off spook

Not enough to make the pain go away, loser

Color up, stupid

Goddamn it, Anthony.

He plays BLACKJACK. It isn't a fucking skill game!!!!

the great ME

this sounds like the senility of a 75 year old

Enough for some righteous billboards. PENNIES on the DOLLAR! What do I win?!


By ME, did he mean Opie?

Men who brag about money on Twitter typically have a lot

It takes less time to create a fake 13 year old teen account than it is to try to guess that.

My guess is "the amount Ant will lose in Atlantic City before pretending he won money."

das gangsta

Anthony Cumia you are so Black.Street punk rappers got more class than this nigger.

Can I see those poker chipsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss?