ChapoTrapHouse is for fucking fags.

103  2018-07-05 by Every1ShouldBKilled


No doubt

It ain’t shit you tell ‘em bitch

It certainly is.

Undoubtedly without question

Established with their first episode

I don't know what this is but I keep seeing it pop up so I agree.

Something about socialism and they have a bitch that looks like she has down syndrome

First time you're right about another woman's looks

nah i'm batting 1000. you know ariana grande is all angles, right?

Aaand back to being the jealous cunt you are.

I aint jealous i got angles and ponytails too

Chapos, you see how they bully trans woc around here?

you look like Ariana grande had cut off her chin and stuffed it in her cheeks

Tadpole lookin ass

You’re a delight, u/bam_seed

Bitch looks like Mexico would deport her ass south of their own border

Nice first s, tupid

Haha, tadpole, classic

I mean, I'd still fuck her don't get me wrong I ain't a fag or nothin

Wait a sec? Trans? Wtf.

I mean, it adds up.

Kill it with fire, as the saying goes.

Jump off a building, as the saying goes.

Let's see some updated nudes, you Trollop.

You a ugly ass alright lookin bitch. In other words, an 11.

Lmao those try-hard seductive eyes tho

You got forehead

Nice cheeks, stupid.

She has stalker girlfriend eyes

A group of low-testosterone males pretending to be leftist revolutionaries.

imagine being so pathetic you thought you were a revolutionary for parroting mainstream opinion.

That's pretty much the entire rest of reddit.

Like Ant's cohost Dane Lundeen, I have no fucking clue who they are nor do I have any inclination to look them up.

Can confirm this is true. It’s faggot central

must be a lot of these fans in this sub because all of the comments are being down voted

A lot of their fags fuck around on subreddits as much as we do. They have this sub listed as a “hate sub”, in their own minds (w/MDE).

Now, I don’t know if ChapoTrapHouse themselves have mentioned or bashed this sub, but their legions of drones are all armchair radicals (worse than regular radicals), who take it upon themselves to fight fascists and Jordan Peterson fans, who are all nazi’s in their minds (what else is new).

I don't know a lot about Jordan Peterson, but people really treat him like he's Adolf Hitler, and everything I've heard him say is just like "Stop blaming others, get up and do something about your shitty life."

Exactly Hitler's message.

Men generally take responsibility for their actions and a lot of women don't. So the idea that your fate is determined by your actions and not the color of your skin or your genitalia is anathema to them.

I mean, he seems like an intelligent person who just wants to try to tell what he perceives as the truth to people, but from the way some of the people on the left talk about him, he might as well be Anthony Cumia.

Peterson is the "forced monogamy" retard who is fun to mock. At least any degenerate from this sub should be mocking him.

so these people are just radical tumblr-level sjw's with a sense of humor?

>with a sense of humor?


It’s basically a weird blend of people who DESPERATELY want to be ironic and esoteric, but believe in their things too much to be that way. Also they’re too afraid to offend anyone except cis white males, which essentially turns them into one-trick ponies. Which - like it or not - is the future of comedy, thanks to Netflix, #metoo, and lesbians.

I mostly blame Jon Stewart’s Daily Show for all of this: one sided, un-nuanced, myopic info-comedy, that - in our generation - created a group of unknowingly privileged, mentally and philosophically weak idiots, who clap and snap their fingers in history class when someone says “white” “imperialism” and “slavery” in the same sentence.

I mean a lot of us were O&A fans and quite a few of us post here too, so I guess you could say that. The CTH show has some pretty un-PC humor and pisses off liberals all the time, it’s not really in line with Tumblr-esque idpol at all. If you’re a hardcore alt right guy then of course any show with socialist hosts is gonna be faggotry to you, but imho CTH is funnier than anything the O&A universe has produced in years. It’s basically the leftist equivalent of what TACS could be if nana had an ounce of self-awareness or humor left.


Say more things

*that like to think they have a sense of humor

They have this sub listed as a “hate sub”

Can't sue them for slander (haha)

Nazis. Without the apostrophe, stupid.

(((You must be smart)))

that's exactly what happens in the Cumtown sub, they literally brigade votes while lurking because they're afraid of getting made fun of with jokes and having their PTSD about whole foods running out of their favorite greek yogurt triggered

they also create alt accounts specifically to post on cumtown

Theyre like the autists here except instead of stumbling on to opie and anthony they stumbled on a political dictionary and a dick

You don't think they're the *new generation of edgy political thinkers*?


"Why aren't we getting more free things?"

"The corporations are robbing the workers man"

"Fuck corporations!"

The Frankfurter School

Its true. I suck big black antifa member dicks while listening to it.

Go back to r/baseball you queer

Can't say I agree but I do respect that.

if you’re ever in the San Francisco Bay Area, consider this an open invitation to come over and fuck my wife while we all listen to Chapo

Yeah, it's pretty bad.

Bitch look like she walked into a wall

That she was allergic to

ME: There's the line!

Always the same damn haircut

Look at that thing. Disgusting.

Lifeless eyes

56% La Creatura

I’m sure she has interesting and insightful things to say.

Volgograds greatest trans CS 1.6 player

someone once said she looked like a small chinese boy in a cheap blonde wig.

Jesus Christ no wonder this creature is a political extremist

The Nazbol version Chapo Brooklyn Brownstone on TRS is much better.

hell yes

That sub is embarrassing. They made a list of non ableist insults that included poopypants which is soooo insensitive to incontinent people, like I can't even , uugghhhhhh.

goddamn fucking hippies

Faggots is the word you were looking for, faggots.

They like to practice good praxis by giving each other gay sex if they're virgins.

They were making fun of that list

what is that like you rig a house with some psycho fucken killer traps with spikes and shit then invite some chapos over all friendly and leave em in the basement to die of dehydration

Young, rebellious intellectuals who don't give a DAMN what you think! The alt-right doesn't stand a chance.

Tssss more like fault right or sumthin tss

EPIC pwnage, fellow pede high fives you

Said more than 3 funny things in the last 2 years so worth mentioning in this sub.

That name is so cool and ironic.

This will never not be funny.

Sorry that you have incorrect opinions.

Sure if you are a teenage socialist dipshit.

Well, ok, I guess that clears me

If you are under 30 and you have an opinion on libertarians or any other political party, you are a fag. When it's time to vote, vote. But if you spend your free time listening to people making jokes about libertarians, that is the gayest thing I've ever heard of.

Yeah, you’re right. It is really dumb to have any political opinions outside of the faculty of voting.

What was I thinking?

get a load of this fag

And he's a loser who plays wow private servers

So this is what it’s like to be owned on reddit.

Keep supporting shady ass russians who steal from their customers

I think their Ukrainian but it’s the same thing I guess

This really seems to be a personal thing for you.

well, no. not every bends over for it like you did.


Too true

"outside of the faculty of voting". Look at the way you talk? That's how fags talk. Listening to all of this political horse shit has turned you into a fag. I guarantee you are like 20 years old. You shouldn't be talking like this.

The biggest problem with Chapo people is that they are all boring, uninteresting people who have no real personality. So they created their political views as their identity to try to make themselves interesting. It isn't interesting. It just makes them fags.

Yeah man, I really like the point where you said ‘that’s how fags talk’

Keep this up and you’re gonna get Joe Curries spot at the compound poker table

Abolish the faculty of profit!

Nah, how could I afford to buy particle board to paint geek letters on if I can’t get a paycheck?

The Clown Prince of the Alt-Right had a great line the other week. "Most people aren't anything in life, but the second they get online and they have that gay little avatar next to their name - they become those opinion people we hate."

I want to give you gold, but that would also make me a gigantic faggot

You were probably thinking something gay or retarded.

Your right dude, I usually just vote based on who has the coolest commercials. Our generation is smart, not dumb like everyone says, and we deserve respect.


Sorry, not interested, twink.

My beliefs probably align closer with theirs than the vast majority of people here; that sucked balls.

I forgot to LAFF

The Chapo Trap House guys look like they probably phoned into Norton's advice show for tips on how to get girls.

The toughest looking one has a lisp. Kool G Rap is the only grown man with a lisp worth listening to, all the others are verified dicksuckers.

Dont forget Big Herc or he'll thplit ya wig

True, I forgot about that peter gazer.

or bust ya cheeks

I am skeptical that he didn't do gay stuff in prison

he aint no peter gazther

The Younger Turks.

Well we ARE terrible people, but there are a lot of great and terrible people.

I baader-meinhoff hard as fuck about Chapo sometimes. because I think i've always been terrible so agree

I've read this comment like four times and still can't figure out what the fuck it's supposed to mean.

that's because you ain't woke like the chapo fans

"I have become more and more left and become less and less tolerant of the ironic jokes that make up the majority of the entertainment. I feel like opened my eyes."

what a queef

I gave Chapo and No Agenda a shot. No Agenda has become one of my favorite listens. Chapo I abandoned after a few episodes because it occurred to me that I didn't enjoy hearing any of the hosts. True, they're bright and sharp guys, but I thought they all kind of have the same smarmy "voice," and the same monotone humor style. Based on their Patreon intake, I doubt any of them care what the detractors think, though.

I love No Agenda. It's the only show I'm aware of that kicks the media in the balls, week after week after week.

sounds good, what podcast hub are they out of?

They refuse to do ads because they say it will influence the show. So they're not affiliated with any of the podcasting networks. They also invented podcasting, oddly enough. From over 13 years ago:

"Curry, 40, is the brains behind iPodder, a tiny application that he believes has the power to challenge commercial radio. iPodder is the bastard offspring of the blog and the Apple MP3 player. It combines the hyperactive talkiness of blogs and the hipness of iPods into something utterly new: the podcast. iPodder uses the blog syndication tool RSS to automatically download homebrew radio shows, podcasts, directly into a portable MP3 player."

Thanks! Whoa, that might be a contender to challenge Bob Kelly and Colin Quinn's "phonecalls from the bathroom" for the title of inventor of podcasts

Bob Kelly is the master of feeding except when it came to the origination of RSS.

Fair and balanced comment. I’m a fan of CTH and you’re absolutely right, the male hosts, except maybe Virgil, have the exact same voice and tone, and it took forever to be able to distinguish them.

You aren't intimidated by the "dirtbag left"? You don't think having a "struggle session" because somebody used "virgin" as an insult is pretty bad ass?

There's no way struggle session is a real thing.

I bet those dudes hate their fans as much as we do. I can tolerate the podcasters but their faggot fans make the whole thing hateable

Ewwwwwwwwwwwww (and thank you)

This one is even better. This dude is very offended that they use "virgin" as an insult, and leftists should be above that...

Hahaha yeah that was the quote I was talking about in my edit. I just don't understand language policing. As I pointed out above they made a list of non ableist insults and included poopypants, my 7 year old cousins have grown up past that.

Struggle sessions are a cult tactic. They use them in north korea

I barely understand any of their left-wing internet terms.

Not good praxis.


Nice move putting us on their radar. They're gonna drop the vegan hammer down now. Imagine Antifa but even stronger.

People on this thread are trying to sell them like they’re Antifa Dice Clay or something. No. They’re just myopic dummies, that can’t see past any of their radical tendencies.

Xe needed the money!!!!

Yes they should all be killed. Socialism is inherently wrong and stupid. So are socialist podcasts. They aren't even funny or intelligent.


Go play wow on your wow private servers you filthy mongrel. You know the people who rub those just sell items for cash. It's fucking dumb. Anyone who plays on wow private servers is an idiot.

Probably true but it’s pretty fun (and free!)

Fuck off

Nice post history checking, stupid.

Also, wow private servers are free, which is a big virtue if you're broke.

I always post history check. Wow private servers are scam central

How can you get scammed if you don't pay them anything?

i've been playing WotLK for free over the past few months thanks to a group of nerdy Poles who i haven't paid a dime to. what a scam.


Watch out once they get wind of this prepare to be downvoted!

They seem to have far less comprehension of their political position than a Noam Chomsky or a Yannis Varoufakis type and their humour is Chip Chipperson level. They're pretty good at duping retards for Patreon donations though.

I picture my faggot cousin with arm/neck tattoos and small dick (I saw it when we were kids) posting there and thinking he is woke.

it's funny that they're making a fortune while talking about the evils of capitalism

The Stern Show quietly expired in 2009, O&A imploded in 2014... I know everything that's left is bad, but I need something.

Anyone over the age of 23 that wants to "take down capitalism" is a fucking faggot.

They are right to say this sub is the dumbest sub around. Morons cannot have a decent argument without using Google.


The only thing more embarrassing than Chapo is how the Cumtown subreddit worships the fat faced cunt on it

It is kind of entertaining listening to them extrapolate how the whole country wants to turn socialist because they won a single house seat.

nah i'm batting 1000. you know ariana grande is all angles, right?

Go back to r/baseball you queer

Can't say I agree but I do respect that.

if you’re ever in the San Francisco Bay Area, consider this an open invitation to come over and fuck my wife while we all listen to Chapo