Is there even a difference between Ant and Opie at this point?

8  2018-07-05 by Monster_Dong

Both are delusional women on the tail end of there middle aged metapasual states. I honestly can't tell who is more worthless at this point...



Opie probably has more money at this point.

Lynsi has it.

Skin color.

yes. Opie isn't self-aware and Anthony is paranoid schizo. Anthony is worse.

Hey 😡

The police are everywhere, everywhere

I knoww motherfuckin state troopers had all these dui checkpoints yesterday. I know a bitch thats married to one and brings them food and i had very strong urges to poison said food. But i didn't 😇

Either way since you said that they're going to arrest you now.

One does a podcast from his basement and one does a podcast from the beach. Neither have been asked to be guests on other bigger comedians podcasts that used to be guests on their big radio show. Meanwhile Bobo’s putting out albums and Scorch’s career is pretty fucking good

I don't think Opie's fucked any kids.

You must have noticed by now that Gregg Hughes has always found the time to not deny being a kid fucker.

It really speaks volumes to how much of a douche Brother Joe is that somebody willingly calling themselves Brother Elmo gets almost no hate compared to the former.

One's a paraphilial wop, the other's a scat-fascinated mockjock.

One fucks mentally-ill children and the other creates them


People look at Ant and say at least he used to be funny.

Opie has tits. Anthony hates tits. Opie is a dick. Anthony likes sucking dicks.

Ones gay and faggot.