Student Of Comedy

26  2018-07-05 by SpudsCuckley


Kinda like how we make fun of cuck husbands with tits whose daughter is a retard

Says the guy who could never laugh at himself and would legitimately get heated when others made fun of him.

fine now that we know they were just vying for their own shows that would fail.

“Does what I am wearing really matter, Rich?”

Leave it alone.

I love the multiple spaces between words. Kind of gives the impression that he went back several times to revise his text.

they're called sentences.

He is right though. Say what you like about Opie, free speech was always centre stage.

Shut the fuck up.

Says the guy who earned the nickname Greggshells because he's such a sensitive, humorless cunt.

ME: I fawkin study this shit. That's what makes this show different. Cause I -- to be perfectly honest wit you, I have nooo fawkin' clue who these guys are. I never heard their names before, and I'm never gonna think about 'em again afta I walk down the hall. I'm - and I swear to you - I am not making believe... I study this shit, in radio, I'm a student of the game, and I have never not a once heard of these fawkin' guys. Ji- Jin? Jim? Jim and Sand? San Roberts? Good for them. Good for him. sniff

It was infuriating to read this in his voice.

Don’t try to censor me bro

He thinks "studying" comedy is seeing Vic Henley performing on a Tuesday night

Two absolute cunts chirping at each other. If they both died today, nothing of value would be lost

One of my favorite opie memories is him explaining when he goes to comedy shows he doesn't laugh he just studies the comedy.

He doesn't understand he is too autistic to genuinely laugh at something. So he dedicates his pea brain up understanding what everyone finds so funny. Still hasn't figured it out.

one of my favorite opie memories

Did Opie ever genuinely laugh on the show? It seems like everyone else had moments where they couldn't contain themselves. I can't place that moment with Opie.

Opie has never had a genuine laugh in his life. It's a major part of his mental illness/disability.

Comedic Sensei, Gregg Opie Hughes.

The balls on this fucking guy.

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Do yourself a favor and also study caddying, body language, and modeling. All this comes in handy in your mid fifties when in turns out that you didn’t study comedy enough

Study SCUBA diving and MMA

He’s not wrong, but this nigga NEVER had the ability to follow this advice.

He has a good point. I think it's lifted from the South Park guys.

Maybe he learnt that in comedy summer school.

Comedy is group, group, group...

fine now that we know they were just vying for their own shows that would fail.

“Does what I am wearing really matter, Rich?”

Leave it alone.

one of my favorite opie memories

Did Opie ever genuinely laugh on the show? It seems like everyone else had moments where they couldn't contain themselves. I can't place that moment with Opie.