Anthony's ballwashers even dress like him.

95  2018-07-04 by cbanks420lol


Smokes cigarettes no less, in 2018. What a world.

I've tried searching for it and can't find it but there's a picture of a big fat guy with a neckbeard wearing a TACS shirt while puffing a cigar in a selfie.

Bob Kelly?

Can you imagine you're dying from cancer and spending your last moments listening to that dreck?

Opie ignored him lol

lotta problems in that bed

Where was she when I was crying on the radio?

Before I discovered this sub and realized how awful everyone in the show is I would have said something similar. O&A was a huge part of my day for many years and my bad days were 4-8hrs shorter with them and R&F. I’m actually not as angry as I used to be since I stopped listening to O&A too.

That might have been NorwayJimmy

What does he think caused it?

I posted that cancer pic lol im a scumbag

It being Opie & Jim makes it funnier for some reason.

She looks like Casey Kasem.

Of course he has a goatee

That guy with the apple watch looks like his head is dented.

Chevrolet guy is Bobo with more rapey vibes somehow. Holy shit it creeped me out

Must have taken a mighty wallop to deny that thing.

Hmmmm,Doc got a little heavy handed with them forceps.

Who are these zeroes?

Anthony’s only known subscribers

That's fucking awful. The fucking guy with a ghost of his half shaved mustache!!

They look like failed clones to re-create the kumiya brothers.

It's like those pictures were take straight from the wall in the security room at the local mall.

Which one makes you saddest? I vote for guy growing goatee because he doesn't have a chin.

When Stalker Patti and Bobo just quite aren't pathetic and disturbing enough.

This is a man that makes everything about race and liberals.

Liberals and centre left democrats beware, you're on notice.

I am at a loss. This guy just single-handedly made Ant's fanbase more nauseating and embarrassing than Opie's current fans...How is that even possible?

Because Opie doesnt have a fanbase??

Unfortunately, he does believe it or not. This is a real tweet btw

Nah I refuse to believe it. I cant. Every one of his tweets is @carl or Opie. This is madness

Dad, Director of Sales for HVAC manufacturer, FSU alumnus, Floridian in South Carolina, golf hack

You may be right. If opie's somehow responsible, the HVAC thing would be like saying "tin knockers should never rise higher than fans of mine".

Brandish some kind of alcohol bottle or firearm, or gtfo.

I'd be embarrassed to wear any OA related shirts because then I would have to explain it to normal people.

It would probably be very fashionable wearing a defunct radio show shirt. An ACS shirt though I'd give another ten years in the box.

"...and then there's a fella named Scorch."

Oh, scorch, he's in the radio.

No he's right in front of you. Nowatimean?

Try having a WOW bumper sticker you can’t get off your car.

I'm one of the young ones here. I was in elementary school when they were in at WNEW with their WOW stickers.

Jesus, there are people lower than standard OandA fans

Not counting us, right?

Yeah! Nothing but child killers, whores and addicts here brothaman! Oh, and our outstanding artist/autist community.

I know so many of this type of guy from my shit hometown. Same routine average life for nearly a decade now

How many invites do you think he waited before he went for his first high five?

Only boomers think cigars make you look cool.

He's using that cigarette as a place holder until the Russian guy comes over to jizz in his mouth.

I saw a car with a Anthony cumia show bumper sticker like 2 days ago. It was quite strange to see.


All the cool kids are wearing shirts on top of shirts this year

lotta problems in that bed