Nana’s projecting again.

70  2018-07-04 by RBuddCumia


Anth has a bunch on teen Thai soccer players trapped in his cave (it’s his ass).


Gay on gay aggression.

I bet if we could go back in time about 20 years and check Anthony's computer... He would be in some trouble.

Got a little crazy with the limewire

More like 20 minutes.

If only we could go back in time to the present

How are things in 2038?

....said Ant, approvingly.

Of course Ant is still glued to the news and pretending to be outraged by literally everything he sees.

Anthony only fucks white boys.

This is actually funny. You're reaching.

the title of the post is “Nana’s projecting again”.

Learn to read.

Yeah I get it. They're reusing a joke. So hilarious.

Who’s joking? Not even Ant is joking when he says he likes em young. And he’s been clear that he thinks Sue was fun.

Anthony has a boy cave.
