If you leave me i'll kill myself

164  2018-07-04 by CrozzCat


Guaranteed he's said that at least 4 times.

You just know that Larry David bitch is so happy and relieved he's latched on to someone else.

"Goodnight Honey, I love you.Remember, if you ever leave me I'll kill myself."

It's understood that Hollywood sells Californication

I've never actually watched SNL (not in like 20 years at least) or anything he's actually done, but I can't imagine someone who looks like him actually being funny.

A skinny kid being funny is like a woman being a mechanic.

He makes jokes about WEED MANNNN!!! Because it’s 2013 and it’s cool to talk about weed on tv now.

Everyone I know from college who smoked weed a lot became a fucking loser. I think with one or two exceptions and they started smoking infrequently at the weekend.

The last time I interacted with them they were posting things on Facebook about weed curing cancer and how there's a huge conspiracy by the government to suppress it.

We are all in our 30s now and all of them work low paying menial labour/retail jobs and either live at home or live with roommates. It's pathetic.

Congrats on becoming the coolest deep sea diving, astronaut, playboy, fighter pilot, non weed smoking, billionaire that you have become. You really left those losers in the dust.

I'm destroying my life the good old fashioned way with a progressively worse drinking problem. At least I'll face my problems with a mortgage and kids who hate me like a man though.

Can't argue with that. Just dont mess with Kratom

I don't have a death wish, sir.

No kidding.

What’s wrong with Kratom?

There are alot of Kratom addicts on the sub. One spoonful can kill you. It's the Devils deodarant.

The Cumia brothers dont do it, so that should tell you something

Nice pull out method, stupid.

While I think having any drug habit is a negative, maybe accept the fact that you hung out with zeros growing up.

Good people don't smoke marijuana.

The last time I interacted with them they were posting things on Facebook about weed curing cancer and how there's a huge conspiracy by the government to suppress it.

I was really hoping weed getting legalized would make people stop that obnoxious shit.

Is there still cancer in Colorado?

I mean the “the government is suppressing us MAANNN” shit and having to always potray weed as the greatest thing ever. I thought once it became legal people would stop feeling the nees to virtue signal for it all the time, and just keep it to themselves.

I love how when the cure isn't weed, it's always honey, cinnamon, or vinegar. "Big pharma doesn't want this getting around".

but his dad fell off 9/11

Broke his neck ?

Suicide after seeing how unfunny his son was.

If you leave me I'll run into a burning skyscraper owned by Larry Silverstein.

RIP Larry. It's admirable that the captain went down with his ship.

Oh no no no actually Larry got very very lucky that fateful day

His nickname should be Lucky Larry.

The sad thing is that he will try to kill himself with overdosing on pot.

Norton’s going to be his sponsor. “That’s a tough one, man, I have this waitress who won’t return my calls, so I know how it is. But the next time you reach for that doobie, grab your phone instead. Hey, does Lorne ever ask about me?”

Hey!! He's in recovery

I bet they both bonded over their hatred of muslims.

Muslims and Christians are natural enemies. Like Jews and Muslims. Or Sikh's and Muslims. Or Athiests and Muslims. Or Muslims and other Muslims. Damn Muslims, They ruined Islam!

Favorite comment ever <3

Dont forget Hindus and Muslims!

And Muslims and other Muslims.

Nice Simpsons quote. What is this? The Erik Nagel Show?


He's a sjw, he likely believes his dad deserved to die for being complicit in the denigration of Islam.

Jerry Lewis looking ass kike.

tink anyone would care for that video of him calling the Stangle Bros faggots on OP and Jim?

The O&J show was so irrelevant that if the president had called in and announced an incoming nuclear strike, no one would've cared.

"it's a tough one man, I'm not going to mother fuck the Chinese just because they've vaporised 65 million Americans unprovoked. And believe me, if I thought they were being assholes I would say it"

ME: Alright, vury good, Mr. President. We have Snowy from Michigan on the phone. SNOWAAAY!

Uhhh yeah I just wanted to say that when Opie said it's going to be hard for Roland to fit under the table when the missiles sirens go off that it was funny as shit.

ME: Thanks snoway, I'm glad somebody noticed it.

Remember when they had us hide under our faaaaaawkin desks? I mean what the faaawk was that gonna dewww?

Didn't he get them to quit? I forgot who it was but I think they felt "bullied" by a kid and quit radio.

ya i just remember the round one sayign something like " why do you shit on me so much " and Pete cleverly replied " cause yer a faggot ! "

Anyone got that link?

He looks like a walking 56% meme. So does his girlfriend. Just saw a video about how her mom pimped her out to that Dan Schneider pedo over at Nickelodeon. So sad..

That fat fuck must have been frothing at the chance to see her growth-stunted feet.

Nice backwards hat, stupid.

I'm getting sick of seeing this wigger retard

Is that even a black thing anymore? It seems only douchie white kids do it now.

The backwards hat is a blue collar welding tradition when wearing a welding mask. It also increases the effectiveness of your pokeballs by 100%

The fall will be worth it. Trust in the process.

It’s going to be a murder suicide and he’ll think he’s being romantic as he’s doing it.

She will leave him a month after the wedding and he'll delete every photo from his Instagram and post stories that are just black screens with "this is it, goodbye" "I tried....I can't try anymore" and never do anything

Christ, I hope she leaves him.

His brother also faked his death at Sandy Hook

What a handsome man.

"I'll overdose on marijuana if u leave my life, baby love"

I did a right click "search google for image" on this and it referred me to Ariana Grande. I found this image again under her name and when I did a second search google for image, it came up with "Graduation" as the result.

Pete Davidson is so irrelevant google doesn't recognize him.

I hope he takes Seth Rogen with him when he goes.

Is he funny? I’ve never heard or seen anything he’s in and laughed at it.

I liked him when he was bullying the stangles on the Opie show or whatever the fuck it was back then.

Anything I've seen since is really gay and I find it embarrassing to watch.

Is his whole career based on daddy dying on 9/11 and everyone feeling bad for him?

who are the people posting about this dude? Jim and sam listeners or SNL watchers? either way you're a faggot and should be embarrassed about it and should not publicly post about this guy

Please leave him.

Soon she's going to wake up, roll over and see that laying beside her, take a really good look at his face and think to herself, "Oh my god I'm engaged to a fucking muppet." and she'll be out of bed and on the phone to one of her exes to come and get her right away.

He is one hideous looking mother fucker. He looks more jewy than David the intern.

White xxxtentencion


Danny is more stable than this guy

“Boohoo my dad died in the towers boohoo” shut up stupid

Hope he drowns himself in the reflecting pool of ground zero

Sir this is very insensitive. I'm not sure if your aware but his father died there.

Please leave, for humanity.

Spastic looking Cunt.

He will be on Facebook posting about how he’s single and loving it while sitting in a dark corner of his living room cutting shallow lines into his forearm. Can’t wait for his fall. Also I wish Timmy Normandin (local guy that stalked Her) had got with Ariana. Dude sent her a 42 lb pumpkin, arts and crafts and a 200$ bracelet.

Everyone I know from college who smoked weed a lot became a fucking loser. I think with one or two exceptions and they started smoking infrequently at the weekend.

The last time I interacted with them they were posting things on Facebook about weed curing cancer and how there's a huge conspiracy by the government to suppress it.

We are all in our 30s now and all of them work low paying menial labour/retail jobs and either live at home or live with roommates. It's pathetic.

ME: Alright, vury good, Mr. President. We have Snowy from Michigan on the phone. SNOWAAAY!
