Are there any other subs you boys would recommend?

8  2018-07-04 by 399may

It's around the time Ant had gotten fired and I was first introduce this shit-hole, to think the shows been off for years and the material on here is as good as it's ever been (though I must admit, it seems to get angrier and angrier as each day passes).

Back to my question, are there subs like this "pop culture wise" of something that's been dead for years yet lives on through all the references/inside jokes that we all get a kick about bullshiting about?

Any cult-like subs per-se? Nothing cult hacky but something along the lines of this sub?




nopers. this is it.

goodnight dude, i’m gunna hit the sack. in more ways than one... hhhahahha

Reddit is a shithole.

R/quiver is KillaKuhn approved.

How bouda meatball sub tss

I just go to R/againsthatesubreddits then join whatever ones they're bitching about.


just riffin

i can't reccomend r/askwomen enough. I was unfairly banned a year ago and I've been looking for subs to fill the space ever since but I've never quite found any just as good. If I weren't so scared of breaking reddit rules I'd constantly make new accounts just to go to that place.

r/milliondollarextreme but that’s also a sub dedicated to something that’s mostly dead.

everything on reddit besides this sub is just wall-to-wall faggot shit. I can't even post anywhere else here if I wanted to due to my post history being sincere nigger/jew hatred and also i'm too lazy to make another account.
