Has Norton ever relapsed?

10  2018-07-04 by emptyguytonight

Most alcoholics and addicts have relapsed quite a few times before developing a system to keep sober. From what it sounds like, once Jim decided he was an "addict" he stopped substances altogether. Does he ever talk about wanting a drink or feeling a compulsion like that?


Yeah, but you can't help it when you have that big of a tranny's cock in your ass. Oh you said relapse.

You're a pro

Of course he never fucking relapsed.

He stopped drinking at 18 and hasn't done drugs in 30 years, but still considers himself to be an addict.

he's a dry drunk.

No. Never. Its almost as if he's a histrionic, unaddicted poser

I disagree sir, as that would appear to be exactly what he is

He never even lapsed

Jim's the addict version of Stolen Valor. Just the lowest of the low.

Chelsea slipped him a piece of rum cake and didn't tell him until after he ate it. He then ran to a meeting.

It's always funny when former addicts get addicted to prescription drugs and take them for recreational purposes but don't think it's bad because the drugs where prescribed by a doctor. $1000 bucks says jim abuses adderall.

$1000 bucks says jim abuses adderall.

It would explain why he's a twitchy compulsive masturbator.

No way, Jim talks about how when he would get prescribed pain pills he'd take half the dose and throw the extras away. Not saying he isn't a completely ignorant hypocrite who would get addicted to adderall, He's just to much of a fairy faggot to ever do anything enjoyable.

goodnight dude. i’m so tired

No, but he has prolapsed.

No because he is a fucking poser

When he got sent to rehab he snuck in a mini bottle of booze to drink. He's seen the dark side and he's not going back!