Anthony DMed me after I tweeted him 1 hr go ago. I live in NY and not only does he not know what time of day it is, he doesn't know what day of the week it is. Is the wet-brain to blame or just dementia?

53  2018-07-03 by AnthonyGroomia


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Hi, Ant.

You really are enjoying yourself by constantly being on twitter and dming "haters"

They have to know how obscure they are!!

Anthony Cumia is the most miserable bastard I habe eber seen. Everything he types is a projection of his own flaws.

“Yawn!!! I’m bored. I have time to create a new Twitter account every time I’m banned for tweeting nonsense to no one. Oh right I’m 57, unemployed, I don’t have a family and I have nothing going on in my life. These posts make me miserable because I know you’re laughing and enjoying yourself

Who has time to respond to all 20 fake accounts?

He's on Navy time.

Oh no..

He’s right tho, Tweeting nonsense to no one on a Monday is fucking insane.. Oh wait

to a no one

We've trolled him into giving up the obscurity line, keep pushing forward

He’s been filtering his account. His followers agree with everything he says 100% now. He may have tapped into the Alex jones fan base

Wait ‘til they figure out he supports the government sanctioned 911 explanation. They’ll dump him faster than Bill Burr did.

Yaawwn. Buurrp. Sniff.

I sell real estate in Obscurity. Call me.

Any gawdy McMansions positioned between two highways, preferably on an undersized lot? I’m willing to pay above market price.

That’s a sinister emoji

Is it possible drinking to the point of blacking out every night for decades has made him a little less sharper than the average person?

He's still hilarious.

lol didn't this fella made like 20 accounts because twitter just wanted him and retarded shit off their platform?

I actually followed him on twitter for a few days. His tweets are useless, once he started bragging about being on his shitty boat, I asked if Sue was with him...

Needless to say, I was sent to obscurity, and am currently enjoying myself.

Lol. What did you say to him?


A 60 year old man DMed you that.

He’s got a point

Yet he responds to almost every one of these tweets and then blocks them like a 14 year old girl


Captain Tony Two Shirts aboard the Valdez.