Happy Fourth of July

39  2018-07-03 by BackstabbingSammy


Nick and Anthony really do make a great couple

he looks very English right there. Never would have guessed Italian He gets that from his mum. Also, I know he played for Maine, why didn't he hit that bitch who smacked him a couple of weeks ago?

I hope that was sarcasm. He looks like a gas station attendant.



That's a fucking enforcer if I ever saw one.

I guess he did play football back in the day.

Nick was a PROBLEM

Middle linebacker Nick.

She just got done making him her famous GABBADAGOUCHE

Nick and Anthony

Not even Mizrahi Jews look this Arab



Do you think young Nick would get blasted in the face by a woman and wouldn't retaliate?

He was trying with every fiber of his being to be Stallone.

Nick and Bobby were legit handsome. Colin was "a hard seven".

I bet she dotted his eyes regularly.