Hello, I'm Jim Norton. I turned my back on my longtime comic friend who helped out my career because he jerked off in front of some ladies that weren't into it. On the weekends I put out a podcast with a pedophile that was charged with domestic abuse.

341  2018-07-03 by Kim_Jung_pUn


None of Morton's friends think he is Straight.

I hope CK comes back with hilarious new material and becomes loved by America again just so Norton suffers

It will probably happen. A lot of people understand Louis CK’s offenses were minor in the grand scheme of things, in that they were a long time ago, he always asked permission, and his apology was largely well received and displayed insight into why the behavior was still problematic. All he needs is a year or two of self-imposed cautious exile and a good come-back comedy special and he’ll be a media darling again. Won’t see him on J&S no more.

If Cosby managed to fill seats at a comedy club after being accused of raping 100 women and Willem Dafoe I can't imagine a world where Louis CK never works again after showing his dick to a few girls after asking permission. He probably doesn't even need to wait that long.

bill cosby raped willem dafoe?


Boondock saints was the best.


When you're in middle school, yeah.

Looks more like howard

there was a FIREFIGHT!!!

So did I


I find your use of the word problematic worthy of ass cancer.

I find your trivializing the lived experiences of men with ass cancer to be problematic, shitlord

He's right though, only faggots use the word problematic

You just used the word

It's a moot point since everybody already knows he's a faggot.

I felt the need to point it out.

and only problematic people use the word faggot you over sensitive rube

I'm the oversensitive one?

faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot

you’re only proving how problematic you are bud

I'm extremely problematic toots

only faggots use the word problematic, faggot

I don’t wish a motherfucking like that on my worst enemy.

Could he become the Mel Gibson of masterbation?

I remember someone here saying they saw CK like a month before the allegations. He did one of those surprise performances. And it was complete shit. Like bits about being at the pride parade and embarrassing his daughters by using his star power or how he hates when fans try to talk to him outside of like promotional bullshit

She's a mother!

All he has to do is open with a bit praising the people in the front row for their bravery

You're very brave for being here tonight because you never know when I'll whip it out for a quick jerk.

I wish he comes back with the same stride as he did back in his Shameless & Chewed Up days, not the "She's a mother!" days.

Naked mole rat looking mo.

mo rat

<sigh> “It’s complicated.”


*he jerked off in front of some ladies that weren't into it AFTER GIVING CONSENT

Excuse me, Louis CK raped those women by thinking they could give consent. Women are like retarded children that will cave at the first sign of pressure.

shouldn't have to be said but i'm joking

Women are like retarded children that will cave at the first sign of pressure. Don't you dare try to treat them like adults.

This is what I believe


How is women saying "yes" to a bald ginger asking to jack off in front of them not consent?

They never said "yes". Show me one report on those stories where they said yes. Louis even admitted they never agreed to it, he just got naked and started jacking off.

He asked them if he could, they agreed and stayed and watched him.

"I never showed my dick to anyone without asking them first."

You can pedantically argue whether it was he was such comedic powerhouse writing for Cedric the Enternainer at the time that kept them there, but the fact of the matter is these holes stayed and watch a fat ginger masturbate. If a man were in this position he would be called a fucking idiot for not walking out and leaving and reporting it to someone like the police or higher ups, rightly so. Unfortunately men live with the burden of reason and accountability in 2018.

Link to that version of the story.

Because what they said and what he admitted was he blocked the door, got naked and jerked off in front of them as they alternately laughed and screamed and then the next day reported it to his manager who asked them to keep the story to themselves because Louis was married with kids.

That was his official statement you dolt.

He didn't block the door, that was a rumor started by an irresponsible gawker article in 2012. This is absent in the breaking New York Times story.

"During Ms. Goodman and Ms. Wolov’s surreal visit to Louis C.K.’s Aspen hotel room, they said they were holding onto each other, screaming and laughing in shock, as Louis C.K. masturbated in a chair. “We were paralyzed,”

They didn't report it. They started telling people in their social circle about the incident and it got back to his manager.

Don't be blind follower, read the sources you're arguing or shut the fuck up.


So them telling everyone not just his manager is not reporting it?

Makes sense.

Gossiping to your friends then "coming out" after a trend of women "coming out" nearly 15 years after the fact is not reporting it, no.

Dude, I have no contact at all with any of these people and I knew about this story in like 2009. Everybody knew about it. These two chicks, who I admit were opportunists, finally went on record because it was the thing to do at the time, but it doesn't change the fact that a married guy with two little girls at home was harrassing people by jerking off in their presence, on the phone when he was supposed to be talking business or, in the waitress's case pretty much threatening to rape her, any less Scummy.

To OP's point, Anthony Cumia is an even greater scumbag and Jim Norton supports him and should be publically flogged for it.

He never threatened to rape anyone, what the fuck are you talking about. Read any article, "victim" statement, or Louis's own statement. He asked for consent every time. Link an article that says otherwsie if you're not going to listen to everyone telling you how retarded you are.

Like most people, you probably didn't even know who Louis CK was in 2009. As me and everyone else has demonstrated, you don't know what you're talking about. Read the original sources.

There was NO blocking of the door. That was the rumor. When the actual story came out in the NY Times, it said nothing about blocking the door. It just said that he jerked off with these 2 women, and they were giggling and laughing while he was doing it.

And in all of the other cases, when they said No, he immediately gave up and apologized.

Back in those days consent was largely based on "No means No". And when he asked them, and they didn't say No. He thought that meant yes. And when they never said No, and were giggling and laughing, he didn't think it was that bad of a thing. He didn't know the whole world was going to revert back to strict Puritanism in 2018.

It's in every report retard. Their claim is that because he is in a "position of power" over them they felt like they had to aka they are lying whores.

Doesn't even make sense to me. If a gay guy in a position of power wanted me to watch him jerk off I'd tell him to fuck off. These girls decided to stay when they had an option not to. They chose the money

If a gay guy in a position of power wanted me to watch him jerk off I'd tell him to fuck off.

I understand your point, but let's not be dishonest.

Just because you would doesnt mean I would

They did. He asked "can I do this" (according to the articles I have read about the case) and they said "ok". Only to years later take away the already given consent, claiming they "felt they had to give consent" because he was bigger than them.

Yes they did faggot

That a tough one man

Didn’t Jim rape some chick at the old studio in a he “show that never happened” or whatever?


I think she was just drunk as fuck and possibly slightly underage

Let’s get thee ball rolling on this story


ME: leave it alone

To clarify, underage for fucking, not just drinking.

Thanks for the clarification

Scuuuuuuuuuumbags, all of ya.

And didn't he also say that he would pull his dick out and put it on women's legs at bars without them knowing?

That was a republican character he was playing.

It wasn’t him it was chip. So in his fucked up head he’s off the hook

We don't talk about that show

An underaged girl who was blackout drunk, yes.

I have to know the whole story here. Why is Jim not in prison?

Because his victim is like 99% of America in that she has no idea he's "famous."

So true.

Yes, Jim admitted she was extremely drunk so she could not have provided consent.

Is that the time Ralphie May saved the show?

They don't call him The Worm for nothin!

Shifty looking little prick.

Don’t forget that he’s spent probably 1000 hours on the radio detailing all of his various types of sexual degeneracy, and made creepy moves on just about every attractive female he’s been in a radio studio with

There's only really like 100 hours of it. No need to embellish here.

I heard a comedian named Joe Matarese said that Louie should have tried to bang the chicks when they got into his room instead of just jerking off to them

That's classic Joe Matterese right there.

That's the same guy that said "if you dress like a whore, what do you expect", right? I love that guy!

Wasn't that Chappelle?

No it was Joe Matarese

It's meeee, Joe Matareeese - how ya doinn??

Chappelle stole it from Bob Levy.

Well whoever it was, they were making a lot of good points.

They approved of it happening when asked, they just "weren't into it" after the fact. Probably due to his penis being a grotesque pigstail of some sort. Either way don't sully his name you pod person.

Good points all around

Louis CK is a cuck he probably told jim to trash him

I never heard the clip of him shitting on Louie. Anyone got a link?

That's a tough one man

It's an article

Norton really is a boob

He has also admitted to harassing and soliciting sexual favors from professional massage therapists who were just trying to do their jobs.

I hate the douche bag.. but I'm not sure what else people would expect from him.

He said a few things.. and then went silent.. just as CK did.

What else should he do for Louis? I mean, the fat fuck admitted it. He's waiting to see what happens, just as we all are.

I, for one, am waiting for the officially endorsed video of the ginger fat fuck cranking off to climax for all the world to see.

Let it fly Louis!

Every time I see one of these threads, I think something new happened. Then I realize they're just making things up again.

You poor dear

While I agree wholeheartedly with your post, I do feel like only describing Anthony Cumia as “a pedophile that was charged with domestic abuse” is really doing a disservice to all the deplorable traits he possesses & all of the other horrific things he’s done.

As someone who’s pretty new to the whole O&A “universe”, is there some sort of mega thread or post on here that kind of recaps all of the drama that people reference?

But Yimy they were into it, they just recanted it because is 201x...and they are not people.

You know it's for something stupid like Louis wouldn't do his Vice show or something like that. Sounds like something he would be upset about.

Fuck #MeToo...

Silly passive cunts.

Remember when he deleted Colin Quinn from his Twitter because Colin's agent didn't contact him about some loser project the worm was doing?

Remember when he sulked during the DL Hughley interview, then admitted his gripe with DL, accepted the comparison DL made of Jim to his own nagging wife, and agreed that DL is a genius who had the right to blow him off.

Remember when Jim saw Gene Simmons in the bathroom at work? And he tried to start chatting him up in the bathroom? And then he waited outside the bathroom for Gene to come out so he could harass him further? And then he got angry when Gene agreed to let Jim accompany him on a walk but said no to a picture just after taking a piss. He was so mad that he started spitting on the microphone and the floor while telling the story. He spit, from his mouth, in real life, out of anger.

Remember when he expected a major baseball player to attend to fat, short ugly pale men who don't even watch the game and want to sell his shit on ebay? Yes let me skip right over this hoard of incredibly young, tiny women with big fat meaty tits and thick floppy ass cheeks hanging out of their short shorts, so I can sign an autograph and make a special needs adult smile.

Jim Norton is slime.

I nominate you for a mod position

I accept.


unexpected erection near the end there, brothaman!

What's the context? I'm out of the loop.

Why the fuck did Louie grovel for? The consequences couldn’t have been any worse if he’d just told the broads to lighten up a bit.

He was pretty sanctimonious in his free time.

Is Jim really working with a pedo?

fuck jig northam

It's a tough one with Louie, man... when you get motherfucked like that. It's like when me and my ex used to get dark. Real dark.

Did he turn his back? Sources?

This is why he goes into apoplectic drooling psychosis over some moderate Republican who 15 years ago was accused by a Rookie Cop of making 'gay signals' in a toilet. Despite a $1 million dollar reward nobody could find any clue he was ever gay. He did vote against 'gay marriage' when 100% of everyone else did. But to Jim Norton the very thought of this ... clenching... seething.. the fucking seething... "hypocrites.. FUCKING HYPOCRITESSsss!" and then he starts hyperventilating barely able to sneer the terms hard enough "hyppppppOCRITTTTTTTESSSSS FUCKING SHIT FUCKING FUCK FUCKKKKING LOWER THAN SHITTTTT hypppoccrriiiiitesss". Wheeled out hooting almost incomprehensively 'hypp hyppp hippp fawkkKKKKing hyppp hippp oh critsss".

It's him. It's his self hatred and shame of his own delusional denial and closeted-hypocrisy.


maybe you should get some rest dude. posting 24 hours a day from china must be exhausting


If Louie fucked a child, I could see Jimmy abandoning him.

If Jimmy said "Look I still love Louie, he's a great friend, and even though I disagree with what he did I'm not throwing him to the fucking sharks here" I'd respect his stance easily.

But no, worm had to throw Louie under the ERock... I mean bus.

The only reason we know his name is because Opie gave him a job and fought to keep him around after people hated him, management hated him and Anth hated him. Love or hate Opie, he gave this fag an existence.

Women are like retarded children that will cave at the first sign of pressure. Don't you dare try to treat them like adults.

This is what I believe


Gossiping to your friends then "coming out" after a trend of women "coming out" nearly 15 years after the fact is not reporting it, no.

When you're in middle school, yeah.