The tweet Anthony pretends he never made. 4 years later he still tells people that he called her a "savage"

61  2018-07-03 by Ant_Sucks


Of course. He clearly called her a "Savvag"

Friendly reminder that islamophobic SiriusXM fired Abu Antwan for calling somebody a ''kuffar'' (arab.: heathen)...

Oh come on. Those 7 symbols could mean anything! Especially with those two identical symbols back to back, implying that its the same letter twice.

The symbols that closely resemble a lower case g. ;

n i g g e l .. a niggel .. thats whats she was



Also, he did not. You saw him when Colin Fagerty forgot to laugh, there's no way he has ever called a black person a nigger to their face.

I agree. Which means he got fired because he tried to sound tough on Twitter by lying.

I love the five imaginary black guys who he told off during the incident by quoting Tom Berenger in Platoon.

Anthony fucking sucks

Tweetin? What y'all know bout tweetin'?

I'd like to hear about it brillo heads!

Back off, this ain't your game, pals!!

"This ain't your SHOW!"

What a douchebag Anthony is.

Well, ironically it ain't Anth's show anymore because of that twitter rant.

I like this better than the original to be honest. Got a little 30s wop in it.


He’s terrified of doing it even on twitter.

This is the funniest part of the whole thing.

Same goes for the Mick. Neither one of them would dare call a black person a nigger.Unless of course one his fucking Colin’s wife.

“Yeah, tear my wife’s cracker pussy up, you big dicked nigger”.


I love that explanation.

Anthony Dice Clay

god damn anthony is a fkn savahe.. he confused our laughter for approval

The black girl who punched Anthony should be awarded a key to the city. She's a goddamn hero

Sometimes I think about how she probably has zero idea about all the ruckus she caused

She might even be dead by now


"Your majesty, I did not tweet this...this comes from a site called "Image-er". This is a targeted assault on me and my politics. Unrelated, but I am also not a pedophile, your highness..."

Fuck. I just realized I unironically want to call an old milf like Judge Milian "your highness"

He lost a multi-million dollar job working 4 hours a day 4-5 days per week where the only thing that was involved was talking to your coworkers and celebrities. Also he, nor his former co-workers, will ever seen anything close to that salary again because he couldn't resist emotionally tweeting. I mean I don't get it, is it just the ultimate beta behavior to need to tweet? To me social media is just really fucking boring but I get it, what I don't get is an adult man with an account less than half a year old having over 5,000 tweets.

It's great when you consider he pretended to not give a shit about Twitter for years and would purposely use the term "twittered" in place of the correct "tweet" so his every day Joe trucker listeners would think he was just like them.

he tweets 800+ times per month? he needs a new hobby

More, I was being generous when said less than half a year, it's not even 6 months, so he's tweeting at least 1100 times per month. Which is about 5500 times more than my entire tweeting history since 2011 on a non-burner personal account.

&$;'s gonna &$;

If a black chick beat me up because I was creeping around in the wee hours of the night with a gigantic camera, my level of embarrassment would cause me to never mention it to anyone, and I would repeat a mantra to myself that the incident never happened. Anthony's big problem besides going on a weekend-long racial screed was immediately not assessing his degree of blame in fueling the attack. It was obvious he instantly crafted a narrative in his mind of an innocent "white" man victimized by black culture run amok.

And it certainly doesn't help that he spends 99.5% of his free time in his house getting hammered with his ballwashers who tell him he's doing super important and essential things in the name of constitutional free speech. The entitlement that cost him his job stemmed from the fact that those leeches have him convinced he's on the level of like a champion knight. Fucking Everqueef.

I’d go home and take a Xanax, play with Beavis, swim in the pool, masturbate to obscene images of teenagers, play some Xbox and enjoy obscurity.

Friendly reminder that islamophobic SiriusXM fired Abu Antwan for calling somebody a ''kuffar''...

She beat him because he was taking pictures of prostitutes. The whole “in my frame” is garbage.

He posted another photo of the same night where it was just a chick's ass center frame. He's an imbecile.

Yup. And the reason no cops were called? Because any NYC cop he told “I was photographing prostitutes and one hit me.” Would laugh in his face.

What's really funny is that he didn't even need to tweet anything about it happening it all. Whoops

Just realised he called he a fucking nigger. That's actually way worse.

You cracked his code.

It's funny to imagine him angrily stomping around "the compound", screaming, kicking things and pausing to compose rage tweets.

Cause that's what she WAS!

Oh OK then. I'm sure the biggest satellite radio company in the world will understand that reasoning. If she actually WAS a nigger then why not call her one??

I'm so glad this cunt's life has fallen apart.

Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.

Didn’t you hear? Compound media is doing great. He’s much better off than without Sirius.

Ignore the fact that when at Sirius a Casino paid helicopter flew him from NY to AC so he could spend the weekend in their premier suite with a butler and whatever booze he wanted. And now he has to hitch a ride with his incompetent producer on his piece of shit boat that doesn’t have working AC.

I know it looks bad but we'll never be able to truly break this complex cipher without access to a Wehrmacht Enigma I.

Screaming into my phone as I slowly shrink into obscurity

And he was employed in a multi-million dollar job before that tweet.

Anthony thinks he got one by everybody by cursing like Andy Capp.

Remember to enunciate the word WAS. Way to get your point across faggot

Little known fact: he actually wasn't fired for this tweet. He posted one after this that said you shouldn't shoot cops in the head.

He's a stupid, stupid savage.

who cares that he called her that?

Sometimes I think about how she probably has zero idea about all the ruckus she caused