Vic Henley May Be the Most Hateable Character in the O&A Universe

8  2018-07-03 by OpiesInnerCircle

Zero talent. Not funny. Redneck. Over talks everyone.


take out redneck and you have opie

Yeah, but where else are we going to buy our meat?

What's the meat truck story?


What about dassa he only got were he is because he's related to the rock's

Not so long as Brother Joe is still kicking.

Look at Joe’s desperate Facebook posts, Tweets and videos of him burning/smashing his own belongings. This is the clear correct answer.

you must not be familiar with Joe Matarese

Are you nuts? Jenkem Joe holds that spot until 5 years after he expires.

No way. Sherrod hands down.

Sherrod is the worst.

Does chip snort but for real.

Vic seems like a nice enough guy and milked tits for a few easy g's. Sure he isn't very funny but he works two jobs and keeps his political horseshit to himself. To think hes even in the same stratosphere as Joe cumia in terms of likeability is completely asinine.

If he owns a route that delivers meat, dude probably makes good money from that alone.

Vic Henley is the Boba Fett of the O&A universe


Has anyone heard of Sam Roberts?

As far as I'm concerned he may be a Cockroach, but at least he's leeching off of Tits and isn't arrogant about his being a Cockroach.