Like Anthony I'm now a victim of medication/pills albeit medical need in my case. Any of you have experience with Clonazepam/ Klonopin?

3  2018-07-03 by TheRealHuskies

Have to start taking this stuff along with y anti-psychotics and was wondering if any of you degenerates have had experience and could tell me what to expect?


OMG im so jealous. They don't like to prescribe benzos here i do my best impersonation of an anxious person and get fucking vistaril

I have Xanax too. But low dose and low RX. I Just took one.

Man they'll only give me ativan if i act up in the hospital even then they wanna break the tablet in half like im some kind of lightweight. I'm moving to spain

They’re sedating a mentally ill patient until the neuroleptics take effect. Do you weigh 200lbs? Alcoholic? Benzo tolerance or dependency? You’re a lightweight.

Im a fat girl at heart i feel like they should take that into consideration

That's not what "trans-fats" means.

Exactly correct. I went to the crisis response center this weekend to detox and they give me ativan and I feel fantastic but all I can get a script for is sertraline and gabapentin, which seem to just be placebos or something

Awww how you doing brother?

500 mics?

Why would they waste the good stuff on black people? Serious question.

I could be a great rapper i just need xanax to reach my full potential

I've heard you say like seven words and nearly drove a fork in my ear, what makes you think you could be a rapper?

You need to hear me do the ying yang twins part in britney spears ft. ying yang twins - i got that boom boom

I hereby respectfully decline your offer, madam.

Haha wait until karaoke night at the compound you'll see

Lol looks like someone put a Downvote bot on you. Pathetic.

Yeah i noticed. They hate us cause they aint us 💁

Probably other struggling hip hop artists tryin to keep a nigga down.

/u/bams_seed is wanted in connection with the murder of XXXTENTACION

"lil' shizo"

Takoochie 69

You probably act too eager.

Klonopin is a chill drug, really mellows you out. Just don't drink booze on it, cause that will fuck you up something fierce.

I can't drink anymore they have me on this very powerful pill they give serious alcoholics called Antabus. If I even have a sip of beer it'll end me up in the hospital, then I'm really fucked legally.

What can we do to get you out to a bar?

Bait him with a fat girl

You sure have changed your tune, you were all over his dick when he was an inmate at Monte Cristo

a few Asian broads, a big booty Latina a blonde and a redhead, plus lotsa molly should do the trick.

You can drink on that stuff, trust me, just stick to clear liquors or lagers, you’ll be fine.

I'm on Abusane, which is a very powerful drug to stave off alcoholism. One sip of beer will end me up in the hospital.

real alcoholics drink through that shit

Contact Jim Norton he's in the same boat with the demon known as alcohol, brotherman

Klonopin is okish if you are sober, but if you take it after a long hard day of uppers it feels like your soul is being massaged by vaginas.

Only anti-psychotic I need is my morning coffee and the occasional Mets victory. Leave the drugs to all those muckety mucks!

Maybe a Tylenol if my back starts acting up after a long day at the job site but what I know

Cool beer and TV is my Tylenol after a big day on the site.

IPA? I don’t know about all that. I just have the wife bring me a Budweiser

Budweiser? Must be nice. After a couple weeks bustin my hump on the jobsite, I'm lucky if I can afford a can or 2 of Natty Ice, after all the bills are paid that is.

Heck, if it’s beer I’ll drink it! Who am I to turn down a nice cold one with a slice of pizza, put the game on

Back in my day people didn’t have time to be depressed. They just got up and went to work. But hey what do I know.

I hear you fella! In my day strongest pill we had was aspirin.

klonopin is bad news. the antipsychotics are different they are really just tranquilizers. Be weary of your intake with klonopin. what starts out as half a pill turns into a whole one and then you're blowing through your script in four days.

Been on Clonazepam for like 8 years for seizures. It will chill you out and give you some good sleep but long term effects aren't great.

what are some long term effects?

Once it kills you, you will in effect be dead long-term.

I'm sure theres alot more but personally My memorys gone to shit, Getting all shaky if I'm even 30 mins late on taking it (not in a seizure way, more similar to DTs), becoming alot less active or dull. It's alright if you absoluetely need to be on benzos but if you can avoid having to take them forever I'd advise you do so.

Benzos are the leading cause of drug induced dementia

No one's mentioned withdrawals yet. I hear benzo withdrawals are pretty bad.

He'll be fine, hush up now

Why did O&A attract such a large amount of head cases?

Smart people are morr likely to be crazy. I venture to guess that our IQs combined would beat out those of most other subs, percentage-wise, to account for the discrepancy in members.

Please be kidding

He's a stupid faggot who replies to every thread 72 times, he's not kidding.

Klono is pretty smooth with Jenkem

I prefer my jenkem frothy

I had an ex that took it, she would blackout and be an even bigger cunt than she normally was.

I'm sorry, did you say you were an alcoholic in the past? Please get an opinion from a second doctor before starting klonopin! Benzos are NOT supposed to be given to anyone with any history of addiction, ESPECIALLY ALCOHOL! Benzodiazepines (klonopin) work on the same brain receptors as alcohol, so it is very common for it to re-trigger withdrawal cravings. Here is a quick 3 minute video by a doctor explaining why both alcohol and benzos trigger each other.

A family member of mine had been struggling with alcoholism for years, but was finally winning the fight and had been clean for a year. A temporary shrink gave her some xanax for panic attacks, but her regular doctor refused to refill the script, saying she couldn't have it with her history. After the xanax, she started craving alcohol again when she couldn't get more benzos (she was only given a few of them to begin with), drinking again, and was dead from an overdose in less than 2 months after stopping the xanax.

They’re sedating a mentally ill patient until the neuroleptics take effect. Do you weigh 200lbs? Alcoholic? Benzo tolerance or dependency? You’re a lightweight.

Exactly correct. I went to the crisis response center this weekend to detox and they give me ativan and I feel fantastic but all I can get a script for is sertraline and gabapentin, which seem to just be placebos or something