Jim Norton claims to be a recovering drug addict but couldn’t distinguish the sound a “doobie” makes vs a water bong hit

18  2018-07-03 by Hola-amigos


water bong

Lol you sound like a narc.

I prefer my air bong

Haha, I really did

This still makes me laugh months later

He also claims to have done mescaline on an almost daily basis, bet the fuck doesn't know the first thing about it if questioned

It wouldn’t surprise me if that’s true but his belief that it was some kind of addictive drug he abused demonstrates his complete lack of knowledge. Who talks publicly about hallucinogens in this manner? Even former junkies with strong anti-drug philosophies are impartial about the times they ate shrooms or acid daily

Lol Jim has never touched drugs or even real alcohol.

Well, remember, he’s also astonishingly stupid. He gets his opinions on basically everything from people he thinks he should, based on the way he thinks they are regarded by others (because “what everyone else thinks” means something to him). He gets his religious beliefs from Ricky, political ideology from whatever cable network he saw that morning, thoughts on sobriety from comics (of all people) and art from documentaries. He’s a dumb bag of shit.

Don’t forget all his thoughts about future technology and A.I. from one Ray Kurzweil book he read 20 years ago.

You just wait until we get the singularity of consciousness, and we'll be able to catalog all out thoughts in society.

Then Jim will finally have the last laugh.

Whoever gifted him with "the commonality of language" is a horrible person.

Oh yes, commonality of language, in a world where two people that grew up three blocks from each other have a difficult time understanding one another even though they speak the same language, have the same regional dialect and accent, but think of things in different ways. Great, Jimmy. Good going.