When you find out the positive AIDS test is actually his.

48  2018-07-03 by RBuddCumia


Jimmy looks worse... somehow

His T-cells have been decimated, it won't be long now.

I can't tell which of them has eaten more cum.

I can tell you that Jim pays to eat cum, Mary Jean gets paid.

He genuinely wishes Mary Jean would pull a 180 and ask him out

wishes she flipped him 180 & fisted his asshole

Why would you want to date her when you could easily fuck her asshole and lose all interest in her until your cum stocks are replenished?

He wants the cum reserves that are stored in her holes



When she came over to his house, he said that he asked her to bring pretzels and Diet Coke. And then watched tv instead of fucking her

She says she only likes him as a friend but that dumb whore could be seduced by a cheese sandwich. Jin could have at least fucked her but he doesn't from a combination of being gay and wanting to play the prepetual "no woman loves me" victim. Mostly being gay though.

I’m seeing a new character, Jim the noble cuckold

The photo was taken by someone else which means they were double dating, which means Mary Jean was his date.

Think about that..

They do all the pretending, Jim pays for it and in the end he goes to his apartment alone and jerks off. Jim's pathetic life stories were always fun but this is starting to be too much.

how do you get friendzoned by a porn star?

“You don’t understand, dude. She’s really cool in person.”


How can she fuck literally every bottom rung person connected to the show, but not Jim?

She totally would. Jim thinks women are gross.

Im starting to dislike Jim more and more. A spineless little disgusting worm.

Fuck that guy.

she fucked Sam.
Jim got cucked by his co-host and it brings me joy

Girlfriend experience.

Her arms are yuge

Ohh he's such a degenerate! Look at him hanging out with a pornographic actress! This ain't your momma's comedy show! He goes to some dark places, man!