Opie Podcast Episode #18 - Play-By-Play Analysis

114  2018-07-02 by NateJay82

Episode #18 – Right Where We Left Off! Yeeah! (Carl Ruiz, Vic Henley, Sherrod Small, and Nick Solares). July 2 2018. Listening to every episode so you don’t have to.

  • Opie opens at the beach doing the same monologue about SiriusXM he does every week.
  • Sherrod brags about being in a photo with Ariana Grande and talks about her for 10 minutes.
  • Carl tells a fake story about being a badass and getting a chef fired. He also insults Opie a lot.
  • They talk about comedy scene stories nobody outside their immediate circle cares about.
  • Opie is shocked to find out Sherrod, Vic, and Nick are still allowed into the SiriusXM building.
  • He retells the Shaman story for the millionth time. Everybody makes fun of Opie for doing it.
  • “I was so deep in meditation I felt a pure love for my dad in that moment man” – Sensei Opie.
  • Divorced Carl hangs out in supermarkets and pretends women recognize him from TV.
  • Tim Sabean appears. Carl and Sherrod brag about hitting on fat middle-aged Texan moms.
  • Carl talks about Nick embarrassing everyone at a restaurant by examining the steaks.
  • They brag about ruining a 25-year-old girl’s birthday by being belligerent idiotic drunks.
  • Carl talks about his wife and her family setting a trap for him when she filed for divorce.
  • He gets emotional about losing his dog. Everyone tells their happiest and saddest dog stories.
  • Nick and Vic argue over white sauce. They go back to Pete Davidson/Ariana Grande gossip.
  • Vic chastises everyone for ruining the Sirius gig. Opie thinks his solo show was great stuff.

Best Moment: Carl turning into Opie by churning out obviously fake stories in rapid succession.

Worst Moment: Dragging out steak stories and dog stories for a combined 52 minutes.

Overall: TheseMiddleAgedFriendsKeepTalkingWayTooMuch/10


Nice out of ten, stupid

Nice bloated face, stupid.

Got me there

Thank you for your service.

We dont deserve him

Lmao, if you scroll down a bit he responded from his Opie quotes account.

Please let there be a falling out.

It turned from playful ribbing to genuine venom by Episode 7.

You know it takes a little bit of your soul each time you do this. Stop now before it’s too late.

Just kiddin. Keep em coming.

Is anyone actually advertising on this shit show?

Even Deep Discount refuses to associate with him.

Well they have standards

“I was so deep in meditation I felt a pure love for my dad in that moment man” – Sensei Opie.

I firmly believe this man would have been killed by now if his building wasn't under constant protection from the secret service.

He somehow makes something as normal and straightforward as loving your father to be completely weird and annoying

In all seriousness, how many more of these episodes can he possibly dish out? It’s all the same nonsense. He hasn’t even done 20 episodes and he’s told the Shaman bullshit story at least 10 times. How much longer till he loses this gig? Cause after that, his suicide won’t be far off.

Fawwkin hayda.

Coincidence that Heroin junkie Artie Lange is also infamous for endlessly repeating stories?

The shaman played a number on Opie

You're thinking about this like a non-retarded person.

For Tits, these are decent, probably borderline enlightening, conversations.

How much longer till he loses this gig?

As far as i can tell: there is no gig.

There is no business model. No commercials, no web ads, no Patreon. All expenses are running the web site. Is Opie paying those clowns for coming on the show? And the traffic / upload cost can't be that high, because nobody actually listens to those shows.

I think someone said, that Westwood One didn't even hire Opie / pay him money.


He's a delusional old man trying to keep up a facade to prove da haterrzzz wrong. He's MORE than a button pusher. He CAN steer the ship, AND add to the conversation. He DOES have friends and people know and care about him. He DEFINITELY has a happy marriage and some very bright kids. Everyone that went on to hate him over the years, its all their fault. You really wanna go there? Let it go. Cuz he'll fawkin go there if you want to to be completely hawnest wicha.

Cause after that, his suicide won’t be far off.

It's been pointed out before but Tits isn't the kind of person to kill themselves. He's neither introspective or self-critical enough to reach that level of self-loathing and depression, nor is he aggressive and decisive enough to do the job. He will go to his grave believing that everything he does is great and that "the haters" were always out to get him.

And (because life is unfair) he will probably die a very old man and quickly and painlessly in his sleep. Meanwhile, Mr Rogers died of an aggressive and extremely painful form of stomach cancer. Go figure.

He and Sam have a lot in common.

so does this break the opie ipa grapefruit beer mention streak? i NEED my opie beer bi-weekly updates.

This analysis is completely inaccurate. The official title has 4 E's in "Yeeeeah!"

Microsoft Word corrected it because even computers think "Nobody is retarded enough to believe this is a real word"

sounds terrible

That was even almost painful to read. Actually listening must be torture.

You can tell he's already fading... No way he makes it past 50.


OP is a masochist. God bless you.

You're a saint on eart. Thanks

Why is Tim Sabean a guest? Hes a fucking producer. He must be one of the very few friends opie has left.

You can’t even give him that much credit. He’s a fucking program director

Carl talks about his wife and her family setting a trap for him when she filed for divorce.

I'm curious about this bit... Any chance for a summary without having to boost his numbahs?

Is Ms. Chipperson the honeypot?

Even after doing 18 episodes of this, there is nothing more annoying than Jim and this subreddit trying to retcon Chip into an Opie parody.

Carl got back from California. He was on the phone with his lawyer talking about business. He walked into his house. His wife started yelling "You are physically and emotionally abusive. I want you to leave right now". Carl's lawyer told him it was a setup and to get out immediately. As Carl is leaving he can see his wife's family's cars parked at the side of the house.

The desired reaction was to gang up on Carl, get him angry/confused/refusing to leave his house, then call the police with all the witnesses (her family) testifying how violent and unhinged he is. A very common tactic among women and their parents.



The only play by play analysis I want to hear is the one below.

  • Podcast opens with shitty music

  • Carl announces the dive bar they are podcasting from

  • Vic, Sherrod and Carl fake laugh and ask Opie why he's so quiet

  • Suddenly there are screams of "He's got a gun"

  • There's a loud bang and the sound of Vic puking

  • Carl is screaming like a girl "Opie shot himself! He's dead!"

  • As the mics cut off you hear Sherrod ask "We still getting paid?"

Why can't it be a triple murder suicide?

They're just going in circles now. This is what happens when Opie can't take phone calls.

I just listened for the first time after reading this shit post.

I don’t listen to either and haven’t for years, at first it was like hearing an old friend again. That lasted right up until Vic spoke up and then it was like listening to an old friend that moved to Alabama and has a group of new friends that are annoying as fuck and your old friend isn’t the same person you remember. I made it about 20 minutes.

Again,Thank you..Please get your ears checked monthly for cancer, your a Saint.