Troy Quan is looking kinda fat lately...

22  2018-07-02 by danTHEdick

Maybe lay off all that cum, fag.


He needs to get back into shape so he can push his next victim as hard as he feels like she deserves.

He's a 45 year old man, of course he's slowly turning into a fatbody mess.

Even when he's 65 and 400 pounds and utterly bereft of pussy, he'll still be an ultra arrogant blowhard who can't criticize himself.

I'll enjoy seeing him decline though.

He's dating a chef. A Asian one. They like Buddha right?

Fawk yea they’re always zooted n shiznit


I've never met a guy with an Asian fetish who wasn't a complete weirdo.

"You can't deny it is off-putting how them Chinese girls' quiffers don't run quite plum."

I like these words in this order

Good ole Coolsculpt Quan and his love affair with Bobo's donuts...

He's got cold fat tits, an old man neck wrinkle seam through his gay rose tattoo, and a guilty conscience from his past as MC Entropy, date raping underage girls, and throwing his girlfriend in The Grand Canyon. Ol' Telltale Troy is a ticking timebomb.

I'll have you know she accidentally was thrown to her death in Lehigh Gorge Park by a local ruffian, incompetent professional Googler, and part time rent boy. I mean look at his Dumbo ears, droopy noise, and super bad ass chest flame! This dude fucks (dudes), am I right?!

besides still having a good head of hair, he has never been a good looking guy. And has never been in "good" shape

Eating himself into remorse after pushing that fine piece of ass off a cliff. But at least he got the car back on time