Where we at with Ron Paul?

7  2018-07-02 by Lufiel0423


Holy shit it's real

Absolutely fucking amazing

That black cartoon character looks like sherrod.

Bigot Ben strikes again

He's not wrong.

He’s a bat shit crazy libertarian.

Crazy how

Libertarians never seem to make the leap that the reason they believe their batshit policies are possible is because of the comfort and safety that government has provided them via law enforcement, roads, regulators that make sure the food and water you consume doesn't poison you, stability of economy and the valuation of money, etc.

It's the intellectual equivalent of the spoiled teenager that can't wait to move out and into the mansion he will surely be able to purchase as soon as he reaches adulthood.

That explains communism far more actually.

Um, no. Roads aren't run by private companies and meither are regulatory committes.

They're both stupid systems, but your inability to understand what I wrote and your oversimplified, "durr communists" response is pretty indicative of the average libertarian.

You're a faggot who thinks he's a political analyst.

"Um, no?" Great way to lead into your attempt at sounding educated, you teeny bopper queer.

Dude, you're literally fucking retarded if you read what I wrote and think it describes communism. Feel free to call me what you want.

You just said nothing and you were defeated soundly. Take a lap, pussy.

A lot of you have no understanding of what these terms mean. I'm comfortable being argued with and downvoted by dipshits.

Just be dead already.

You've made a lot of cogent points.

. . . . .

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Fuck mobile users and fuck you bot.

Great point. The highways should be run privately. So if the company responsible for the I-95 suffers financially and it falls into disrepair, you and all the trucks shipping goods will have to take the backroads to move down the East Coast.

That's what the market bore, bro! It's what nature intended.

Literal fucking retards.

In your scenario of a supply chain disruption, wouldn't literal retards be the first ones to perish?

No. I'm in support of a balance between private and public, which we have a form of today, in which retards live.

Do you not understand how the world works?

No. I'm in support of a balance between private and public, which we have a form of today, in which retards live.

Do you not understand how the world works or what libertarianism proposes? The leftist nonsense you accused me of would at the least keep the retards alive. Thank you for again exemplifying what fucking idiots libertrians are.

So if the government suffers financially and it falls into disrepair, you and all the trucks shipping goods will have to take the backroads.

But the government can't fail because they can always borrow fiat currency at interest, that market will surely never collapse.

This is your logic?

Those are two different points.

To the first, yes. That's generally the idea of public ventures. Rather than leave necessary functions that enable the economy to function and grow to the devices of private interests and warlords, we share the burden of propping up those necessary functions and services. This is how every successful nation and empire has run since the dawn of man.

To the second, of course governments can fail. But when there is a healthy balance of private and public sectors, they are far less likely to fail than what purists on either side of the political and economic spectrum.

Your throw the baby out with the bath water approach makes you look like shithead teenagers.

Those are two different points.

To the first, yes. That's generally the idea of public ventures. Rather than leave necessary services that enable the economy to function and grow to the devices of private interests and warlords, we share the burden of propping up those necessary functions and services. This is how every successful nation and empire has run since the dawn of man.

To the second, of course governments can fail. But when there is a healthy balance of private and public sectors, they are far less likely to fail than the systems proposed by purists on either side of the political and economic spectrum.

Your throw the baby out with the bath water approach makes you look like stupid teenagers. I can actually see how somebody would believe that socialism would work if they thought about it in a strictly theoretical sense and ignore human behavior and real-world examples. I don't even see how somebody could theoretically believe a libertarian approach would work if they thought about it for more than five minutes. Unless, of course, they are a fucking shithead.

You were in favor of public roads not a public/private mix. Stop hedging.

I am in favor of public roads. I was speaking generally about a mix of public and private being needed, which should have been extremely easy to understand.

Any other basic reading comprehension I can hold your hand through, chief?

Doesn't this nigga believe evolution is a myth?

Why would you think that? Are you retarded?

He believes blacks evolve into Mexicans, Mexicans into Chinese and Chinese into jews

Big if true.

Daniel Ben Dovid, comment?

He used to be my congressman.

This is a great example of something being racist and true at the same time.

If anything this makes me like him more.

I like the cut of his jib.

Fuck mobile users and fuck you bot.