Yes, Joe. I’m sure this US Senator is going to read your incoherent mess of a tweet.

22  2018-07-02 by RBuddCumia


Apparently Joe doesn’t understand that his precious #1A covers the right to assembly.


He 100% doesnt read this an obvious call to protest and he's making it into some kind of The Purge scenario because she's black and he's a racist.

yeah that's exactly how you support the first amendment. by staying silent and condemning people who speak up as criminals. lord have mercy

The good, old silent and respectful majority, lashing out on twitter and calling people far smarter than them "dummies".

He's so fucking stupid. Taking it to the streets in this context means gathering and marching against or for a particular cause. Of course he would think she's talking about violence because the Cumia's natural instinct is to immediately resort to violence versus civil discussion or protest.



She’s a lawyer. Went to Hastings, a decent law school. Has served as a district attorney.

It’s infuriating to me when people like the Joe Cumia’s of the world call people far more educated than them “dummies.”

It’s a total lack of respect for education. He has no idea the amount of work someone in her shoes put into getting to where she is today.

He has no idea the amount of work anyone does because he's an unemployed bum.


I'm not denying that Joe is a pile of shit but she is well known to have sucked and fucked her way to where she is.

There are even rumors of pictures of her at swingers parties that are waiting to be used against her if/when she runs in 2020.

Nobody took her law school Classes for her or took the bar exam in her behalf. Those are both things that make her infinitely smarter than Joe Cumia

So you’re saying she’s a good egg, what exactly is your point here? Joe has sucked and fucked his way into becoming a mediocre dad and welfare pig to his brother.

Calm down, faggot. Just because I hate Joe Cumia doesn't mean I'm about to start saying nice things about this Kamala Harris cunt who hates white people just as much as Anthony Cumia hates black people.


It's really bad form to leave out the comma in "Have a nice day, dummy!"


What did Joe cumia do before Twitter? Ant always had the show to use as his soapbox, he probably took it out on his wife.

Keep it bottled up until poker night.

Sucked dick.

MAGA retards and SJW's should both be thrown into gulags

There should be weekly Proud Boy vs Antifa events where they all dress up in their queer little homemade super hero costumes and pepper spray/beat each other with sticks.

They use the faggiest weapons

Must be nice not having to work for a living because you are handed $60k per year by your successful younger brother allowing you to play pretend rock star and fight the good fight on the internet being the voice of the "working class".

HEY! They made a promise to each other.

Pretty sure it helps him avoid paying child support too. It would suck if his kid could legally get her hand on any of that free cash.



Silent, respectful majority? Does this stupid fuck fancy himself part of that group? This family is unbearable.

Not only is this dumb fucking wop not silent or respectful, Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million. It isn't even a majority. How can this retard call someone dumb when he was 0/3 on adjectives.

No Boomer posts worse than unemployed suburban dago Boomer posts

Someone please get Joe to poke M.

I trashed my Twitter account a year and a half ago. Haven’t looked back since.

Faggot with his hashtags LOL. The unemployed sixty year old mooch walking around in old TV show swag just happens to be a sharp, savvy, educated and wise political scribe just like his younger brother who he so faithfully parrots. Tell us more about how it all works, Joe, so we can all live lives as enlightened as yours is.

I hate this man so much.

They gifted one,rises

Calm down, faggot. Just because I hate Joe Cumia doesn't mean I'm about to start saying nice things about this Kamala Harris cunt who hates white people just as much as Anthony Cumia hates black people.