Any legit estimates at how many paying subscribers Ant has?

6  2018-07-02 by Cotto01

I know I will have to scroll past attempts at humor to hopefully get a really answer but am interested as I originally subscribed but found it pretty boring and repetitive.


I’d say 30k to 40k, just by going off the compound media YouTube subscribers. By going off his third twitter? Around 20k?


Laff, but it’s definitely more than you think

Okay. We’ll find out soon. They’re being investigated for credit card fraud (among other things), my sources in Albany say, so they will be exposed and it will be public.

Your autism must be exhausting

I don’t have autism. Good day, sir.

Hoodoo the same team

At its peak he had just over 3000 subscribers. Now it is hovering around 800.

I think this is about right. That would be about a million in revenue a year (million dollar company). After expenses, this is probably barely break even.

I think your math is very, very wrong. 3,000 subscribers x $8.95 / month x 12 months = is $322,220 / year, and even less if people buy the 6 month or 12 month plans.

Don't forget ads and renting the studio to gays.

Artie claimed to make about 60 grand per month from his kitchen table podcast. He stopped showing up for it eventually and almost everyone signed up in the beginning so there was no growth. Looks like cm started strong based on website traffic but had no growth and no investors. It is on a slow steady decline now. Seems like a nuisance to watch the shows,listening as a podcast isn’t bad. I would estimate that he started with 5000 subs and has been losing 100 listeners per month but only 40 of those go through the hassle of canceling their credit cards to stop the billing.

If Ant was down to 800 subscribers he would have quite a long time ago. He would be losing hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. He would have folded it up a while ago. He's not going to drive in to NYC 4 days a week just to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars.

He clearly has a descent amount of subscribers. Probably got a lot from hosting Alex Jones show.

He's not allowed to drive at all.


Ol' Freudian slip, eh

We don't attempt humor, we're just civilians. We leave it to the professionals.

At least 50-75. Perhaps more than that.

Millions! Its like people here forget that Anthony is making even more money now than he was at Sirius XM.

The sickies here will never accept your logical rationale. Too busy asking thwir moms for beer money

His monthly costs alone for rent, electricity, bandwidth, insurance and payroll must be insane. I couldn’t see him continuing CM if it wasn’t at least breaking even. He’s expanding his payroll by almost triple with a second production crew, a cohost, IHW and Malice are doing shows 4x a week, not to mention whatever additional content they plan on putting out. They’ve talked about getting a second studio as well. Anthony has mentioned that he invested his money wisely over the years ( rather his financial adviser did), so after he was fired he had a really nice nest egg. I highly doubt if he was even close to being in financial ruin, his advisor would tell him to cut his loses. Usually business that are failing are looking to cut cost, not spend more. I know many of you are hoping for the opposite, Keith has to have the common sense to protect the golden goose. I could be completely wrong, and the rest of this sub would be right. I just don’t see it doing as a bad as most here think/hope it is.

Great point. Will go over the heads of most of the human garbage here.

I know that my opinion on CM is an incredibly disliked one here but it’s based on what I saw of the operation and what I’ve read here and other places online.

I would guess at least half this sub hates him for the doxing/bounty; he tried to shut this community down, which only emboldened much of this sub to fuck with him and Joe. (I think that was a terrible idea on his part). I’m sure someone from CM regularly lurks here to keep tabs and has to see that nearly a third of the threads are based on Anthony/Joe tweets. The more they engage on that platform only gives this sub more fodder.

user reports:

1: This faggot plays with Transformers toys and has the audacity to make fun of other people.

If you ever liked o&a, you’re a bigger faggot than an adult who plays with dolls

Sooooo, how did you find your way to this sub then?

Haha great comeback. The loser could not even have a coherent reply to you.