Theory-Jim has made himself as repulsive as possible b/c of his homosexuality

7  2018-07-02 by boringoneliner

It's obvious that Jim is gay. He's gotten increasingly more repugnant over the years as a way to excuse himself from not having the ability to attract women, have a girlfriend. This fat fucking pig doesn't get nearly as much hate as he deserves. He's amongst my most hated characters from the O n A universe, and people here seem to have given him a pass on account of his involvement in the Opie firing. I'm re-listening to the tequila and donuts day and despised the way he says "breakfast" all cutesy and thinks its funny. I loathe that man.


He is AIDS-thin now.

I lost respect with the Chip act. He ran it into the ground and now plans to do live shows based on Chip like he is trying to be Larry the Cableguy. Chip is a third mic character (like Jim), not a lead, and it is painful to watch as the schtick plays out.

Nice copy and paste brah

This one is much funnier.