Douche chills to the max.

7  2018-07-02 by RBuddCumia


Imagine U2 but your lead singer can't hit the high notes and looks more like Colin Quinn than Bono

And has the dancing /coordination of Daniel bobo kurlan

Holy shit, they Fuckn suck lol. I bet the venue feels ripped off after every event.

The artists who gave us The Unpedophile Fire, Spittle and Hum, and Allowance You Can't Leave Behind.


"Unforgettable fire band its the best u2 cover in the world, they perform in NYC very often" -Leo jordão


Singer has to stand uncomfortably for really long intros. In every vid I’ve seen of these guys. What a waste of my life this whole thing is.

I thought tribute bands were supposed to resemble the actual bands.

Baggy jeans and old man sneakers, joe got the Edge’s look down.

Hello hello. I'm at a place called obscurity

Not a big U2 fan but they really sound and look nothing like them.

You would think it was the real person!